Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Superman or Frankenstein?

             Perhaps Thomas Jefferson made a terrible mistake in the Declaration, when he added “pursuit of happiness” to “life” and “liberty.” 

            Isn’t the goal of pleasure, not just money, the root of much evil in our land? Beyond legitimate entertainment and recreation and healthy relationships, there are deviations that continue to spread. 

            Not that America invented adultery, sex outside of marriage, and similar pursuits. Along came L, and G, then B and T. Several other variations appear in “free” society, now fully approved by national government, the "liberty" idea.

            All that may be child’s play, compared to transhumanism, a way of reinventing humanity by artificial intelligence, science and biological engineering.

            John Lennox, in his book, 2084, tells how some thinkers, unsatisfied with humanity, wish that we could merge with machines – yes – and remake ourselves according to "higher ideals." Really!  

            They would approve of Jefferson’s entry, and beyond. They would increase capacity for pleasure, indefinitely. No more biological suffering, just "magical joy." Woo hoo.

            Lennox calls this a “resurgence of Gnosticism," humans as spirits trapped in an evil body. (There’s no God, but there is spirit and evil. Hmmm.) The goal is to reproduce ourselves, with more brain and less body. And with no male or female. That would minimize the pronouns we have to memorize.  Yea!   

            In practice, he says, it would be a quest for mastery and power, more power for some, less for others. It would be the degradation of man, not that we aren’t unholy enough already.

            This idea entered the mind of Leon Trotsky (and others in the old Soviet Union) who conceived of a “New Man,” a biological superman. Then the Nazi’s aimed to create Aryan super humans the old-fashioned way – killing off the weak.

            C.S. Lewis in 1943, ahead of his time, wrote, The Abolition of Man.  

            See what can happen when a man doesn’t have to work the soil “by painful toil” and the “sweat of his brow,” like Adam? Like Adam, transhumanists will return to dust.


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