Saturday, May 29, 2021

God Didn't Die After All  

   Fifty five years ago, Time Magazine suggested God is dead. 

   Today's evidence: Out-of-wedlock birthrate has tripled. Abortion toll tops 60 million. LGBT has triumphed. Killings and suicides happen daily. And lies. 

   Evidence of God's mercy: No nuclear war. Scientific discoveries undermine atheism, big time! 

   God and his people show that Biblical faith is still very much alive, although the percentage of Americans who "believe" has dropped below 50. We've read of Christ appearing in visions to individuals in Muslim countries where missionaries cannot go. Nothing is impossible with God.  

   Muslims turning to belief and being saved, while Americans ignore plentiful churches, Bibles, TV and radio sermons and testimonies, and lose out. 

   All-powerful God, temporarily tolerating Satan's rule over mankind, cares for his people, searches for more, and promises a joyful future atheists cannot fathom. 


   The sun is too bright to safely see with the naked eye. At sunrise or sunset, bending light rays give us the color of fire. 

   The sun's rays, reflecting off the moon, are white, although a moon rise or fall may show some color, again thanks to light rays bending around the earth. 

   So, what color is the sun, really?  

   We don't know. But God is light, and his children reflect that light, although not brilliantly. As it should be. 



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