Friday, May 28, 2021

Who Is Greatest? 

   From the beginning, who would you say is greatest of history's men and women? Would it be Alexander? Washington? Lincoln? Nightingale? Gutenberg? Einstein? Graham? 

   How about our Bible candidates such as Moses? Joshua? Daniel? David? Solomon? Paul? Mother Mary? 

   What qualities do we use to measure greatness? Wealth? Power? Contributions to mankind? Can you and I be great?

   By the Lord's standards, there is no one greater than the man Isaiah prophesied in chapter 40, A voice of one calling in the desert. This man would Prepare the way for the Lord. Also, Malachi quoted the Lord himself: I will send my messenger. Prepare the way for me. Suddenly the Lord you seek will come to his temple. 

   When virgin Mary told her cousin Elizabeth what an angel had revealed, Elizabeth's child "leaped" in her womb. God had already put his Spirit upon the baby, six months along, who would be named (in English) John, a name not known among the family

   The disciple Matthew in chapter 3 writes of John's clothing - camel's hair with a leather belt - and his food - locusts and wild honey. Matthew says throngs from Jerusalem and all Judea went to John to be baptized in the Jordan River (the desert). We assume God put this extraordinary mood of repentance into the hearts of many people. Then Jesus arrived, about to enter his ministry, and convinced John - who recognized him - to baptize him (God) "for the sake of righteousness." 

   Herod put John in prison. Matthew records in chapter 11 what Jesus said to a crowd in Galilee - Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist. 

   There's our answer. We need not idolize or envy anyone with a million dollar home, secret account in a Swiss bank, personal yacht, Hollywood or Nashville fame, or any other worldly glory. So too, anyone who occupies the White House. 

   Best of all, you can be greater than John. Jesus added: He who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. If you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. 

   Care to read that again?



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