Friday, May 7, 2021


     6 of 6                  Critical Race Theory, by Christopher Rufo  

   On the grassroots level, a multiracial and bipartisan coalition is emerging to do battle against critical race theory. Parents are mobilizing against racially divisive curricula in public schools, and employees are increasingly speaking out against Orwellian reeducation in the workplace. 

   When they see what is happening, Americans are naturally outraged that critical race theory promotes three ideas - race essentialism (it is what it is), collective guilt, and neo-segregation, which violate the basic principles of equality and justice. Many Chinese Americans have told me that having survived the Cultural Revolution in their former country, they refuse to let the same thing happen here. 

   We need to employ our own moral language rather than allow ourselves to be confined by the categories of critical race theory. For example, we often find ourselves debating "diversity." Diversity is generally good, all things being equal, but it is of secondary value. We should be talking about and aiming at excellence, a common standard that challenges people of all backgrounds to achieve their potential. Excellence beats diversity every time. 

   Similarly, in addition to pointing out the dishonesty of the historical narrative on which critical race theory is predicated, we must promote the true story of America - a story that is honest about injustices in American history, but that places them in the context of our nation's high ideals and the progress we have made. 

   Genuine American history is rich with stories of achievements and sacrifices that will move the hearts of Americans - in stark contrast to the grim and pessimistic narrative pressed by critical race theorists. 

   Above all, we must have courage - the fundamental virtue required in our time. Courage to stand and speak the truth. Courage to withstand epithets (descriptions). Courage to face the mob. Courage to shrug off the scorn of the elites. 

   When enough of us overcome the fear that currently prevents so many from speaking out, the hold of critical race theory will begin to slip. And courage begets courage. It's easy to stop a lone dissenter; it's much harder to stop 10, 20, 100, 1,000, 1,000,000 or more who stand up together for the principles of America. 

   Truth and justice are on our side. If we can muster the courage we will win.


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