Sunday, May 2, 2021

 Roots and Plants 

   We buy a potted plant and what do we get? A pot of soil with roots, and the plant or flowers that the roots produce. 

   I see a picture of the Old Testament and the New. If you are like the lady years ago - who said there's no need for the Old Testament - we offer these roots in just one NT book, Matthew:

Hosea 11:1, 6:6 

Deuteronomy 8:3, 6:16, 6:13, 6:5, 5:16 

Psalm 91:11-12; 78.2, 8:2, 118:22-23, 26; 110:1, 22:1

Isaiah 53:4, 6:9, 10; 29:13, 56:7, 13:10 

Hosea 6:6 twice

Micah 7:6 

Malachi 3:1 

Exodus 20:12-16; 3:6 

Genesis 1:27, 2:24 

Daniel 9:27 

Zechariah 13:7, 11:12-13 

   I have printed more than 400 verses in the Revelation alone, and their roots in Old Testament scriptures. 



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