Monday, May 10, 2021

Fixing Elections, Not Results 

   Yours truly would gladly surrender my right to vote if the voting procedures in my state guaranteed that elections will be honest. I think this was accomplished here in Florida, and I didn't have to give up my right. 

   The leftist news complained, "The media was barred from attending the governor's signing ceremony." Boo hoo. And, a few people may have a difficult time casting their votes. 

   We don't want anyone denied, but it's past time for states to clean up their acts. There is no perfect solution. I'll take a few hardships over a scatter-brain approach that invites enormous cheating.  

Advantage: Southpaws 
   Did you know? Ten percent of people are left-handed. But 25 percent of Major League Baseball players are left handed. How's come? 

   Little Leaguers have little battling experience against southpaws. In the bigs, advantage lefties. Right field in most parks is shorter than left field. Advantage, lefties. 

   Left handed batters can see the ball leave the pitcher's hand quicker than right handers. And when they connect, their momentum is already in the direction of first base. With southpaw pitchers, it is harder to steal second base. 

   So, if you dream of your son or grandson making the bigs, train him from age 2 to prefer his left hand. 

   As for politics, he'll enjoy more freedom if the right prevails.

Baseball information from Grandma Andree Seu Peterson


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