Sunday, May 16, 2021

A Zoom View of Marriage  

   Without leaving the house, we saw our granddaughter Abby get married yesterday. 

   Yes, it's 2021. You can order in food and all kinds of purchases. And you can see a wedding in Indiana while sitting on your couch in Florida, without commercials. 

   Her parents put a laptop on a table behind the attendees at a tree farm. We just clicked on the link they sent us by email Thursday evening. 

   For 10 minutes before the ceremony, we watched people assemble, including our daughter and husband, and our younger son we haven't seen since December 2018. We saw our other son, Abby's dad, give her away, and later he with Abby's mom closed out the feed. 

   The pastor had known Abby and Cameron through their high school years in "Bible Bowl" competitions...where they had met, he in Indiana, she in Ohio. He urged them to put Christ at the head of their marriage, a promise they no doubt had already made. 

Hearing Silent Music 

   Recently I often awaken in early morning with the music - not the words - of a hymn, repeating in my head. A different hymn each time. The notes are familiar. But the words aren't easy to recall.

   Friday morning I tried to concentrate, hoping my memory could unlock a little bit. It wasn't long before my mind gave it up, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. I got out of bed, found my book of 365 hymns and there it was.    

When I survey the wondrous cross, 

On which the Prince of glory died, 

My richest gain I count but loss,

And pour contempt on all my pride.

Isaac Watts


    PS. This morning it was All Hail the Power of Jesus' name.

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