Thursday, May 20, 2021

 Lies Worked Once, So They Keep on Coming

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   When God questioned Eve, she realized the serpent had deceived her, and her husband tried to shift all blame. There would be no Tree of Life on earth ever again.

   False teachers, kings, snake-oil salesmen, gambling casinos, scams and other falsehoods have deceived the world ever since.

   John Stonestreet, president of the Colson Center, in an interview said that some mainline denominations have drifted away from orthodoxy. This is not news. In the moral revolution, “wrong is right and right is wrong.” But he said the root, not the fruit, is a shift in cosmology (world) and anthropology (humans).

   “The nature of reality and the nature of humanity is revealed. We don’t determine human nature nor discover it.”   

   Stonestreet asks, “Does God really care about who he created us to be? Yes! The Bible is linear – God-given goals, plans, work of the Holy Spirit, etc. – not cycles of evolution.”

   “God is the source of all existence. He has sovereign rights. In a fallen world, he offers redemption. The light bearers are signs,” Stonestreet  continues. “They reflect his glory.”

   “Lights point to him and mark times. Astrology on the other hand ‘purposes’ to guide people’s lives. When God said 'Let us make man in our image,' Genesis 1:26, he was telling us he is a triune God, or tri-unity.”

   Male and female are God’s special creation. The lie that we evolved is an insult to God and his creation. We, not the animal kingdom, respond to and fellowship with God, reflect his love and holiness, by knowing and obeying him.  

   Despite our fallenness, the natural world still is valued as an expression of God’s glory and love.

                                 Tomorrow:  Another look at created order


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