Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Did God Really Say…?

             1 of 3

   Look around, fellow Christians. The church is not only segmented into various denominations, but in some, worldly thinking has replaced what’s left of biblical truth.

   In Revelation 17, the worldly church is called the “great prostitute.” It is the apostate (unbelieving) church, and the “beast” himself will bring her to ruin.  

   Without personal judgment or hatred of individuals, we write of a transgender bishop, LGBQ clergy, a homosexual bishop, and same-sex marriage in the church. Years ago, we knew of a bishop who didn’t even believe the gospel. So do we “test the spirits” or just fall in line?  

   The “church” has already evolved on other issues: the authority of scripture, the sufficiency of Christ, and the sinfulness of humanity. There is no scriptural justification for moral compromise. Loving our neighbors does not excuse buying into their worldly opinions.  

   Who’s right? We find the answers in just two chapters … Genesis 1 & 2.

   God! No one else. Created all this. In Genesis 1:26 he created man in our image. Likeness. Resemblance. Did you catch the plural? 

   “Man” (mankind) represents all humans. In the next verse, humans are “male and female.” He provides food for humans and the lower order of animals.

   Chapter 2 gives creation more detail – man formed from dust, given the “breath of life,” a garden, a tree of life and a forbidden tree of knowledge.

   The first woman is formed out of the man’s rib – and they shall be “united, one flesh.”

   That’s what we know. God’s word delivered over 15 centuries never departs from created order.

   But the male and female need to be tested. The crafty serpent – not an impossibility to them in the garden - speaks: Did God really say you must not…?

                             Tomorrow: Deception takes hold




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