Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 In Alphabetical Order

 Biblical words in bold.

   Abounding are the reasons you might want to read this, from A to W.

   Awesome is the reward if you choose to continue reading. Yes, be eager to make the effort and you may be elated. Enjoy yourself, and be glad as you consider the glory of the Lord.

   Despite earth’s travails, you can be happy, having hope and joy and laughter. Even in trials, peace comes over you when you praise His name.

   It is pleasing to experience pleasure as you rejoice in your ultimate safety, the salvation of your soul

   You sang and sing again the songs of faith. You will know you are secure. Your face will shine, after you have sung some more.   

   In eternity your eyes will sparkle when you see the splendor of His majesty, there in spotless robe. 

   Straight the street; so long, struggle.

   Thankful you will be in the triumph of the victory He has won for you.


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