Monday, May 31, 2021

They Said It    

   "Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It's hard to talk to anybody who doesn't say this. But they don't want to say it out loud." - James Carville 

   "In vain, I made great works. I built houses and planted vineyards for myself. I made myself gardens and parks, and planted in them all kinds of fruit trees. I also gathered for myself silver and gold. I got singers ... and many concubines. All was vanity and a striving after the wind." - Solomon

   "The media ecosystem that centers on Washington, DC keeps peddling each news blip as a last-stand issue, an outrage bigger than the previous day's."          - Michael Reneau 

   "Choose between obedience and comfort. The next decades will ... bring antagonism to the gospel. And that's OK. That has been the reality for most of God's people through most of history." - Pastor Alistair Begg

   "There are some laws that communities find so morally offensive that they will never be fully obeyed." - Abraham Lincoln    (slavery, abortion)

   "Practiced in the acts of Despotism & Cruelty, we become callous to the Dictates of Humanity. To regard part of our Species in the most contemptible Degree, we lose that Idea of the Dignity of Man." - George Mason, two generations before the Civil War. 

   "Publishers and booksellers are playing a game without rules on a field without boundaries. There are no guidelines, only 'values.' No plan of action, only reaction. Postures, rather than principles. These are privately owned companies. But exclusion by preference is sometimes worse than law. Censorship can glamorize the forbidden. Cancelling merely smothers it." - Janie B. Cheaney 

   "One day, when I depart this body and find myself in the presence of the Lord, my time, however it will be measured, will be filled with the praises and the wonder of Jesus." 

   - Robert Lesslie, 70, physician, author and church elder, gunned down along with his family and two repairmen by a former NFL player, who took his own life.  

Sunday, May 30, 2021

All May Go Well   

   In his third letter, written near the end of the first century, Apostle John commends his friend Gaius, a believer who excelled in helping traveling ministers. John said he had prayed that all may go well with you.   

   In the Greek, our commentary says this means "to have a good journey, continue in God's will and truth and enjoy his blessing." Don't we all want life to go well?

   It is God's will that we have shelter, food and clothing, and also enough to help others. 

   There are times however when he allows us to experience need. It may be to encourage us to trust him more, and to develop faith and spiritual endurance. Christians may be distressed when their testimony produces persecution and oppression from the world. Confiscation of property? (Hebrews 10:32-34.)

   We can experience poverty due to national or natural circumstances - war, famine, drought, storm or poor economic or social conditions. (Acts 11:28-30.)

   Our commentary says we must seek God's will, remain separated from the world, love God's Word, seek him in prayer, work, trust him and live by the principle of seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. All this is found in scriptures.   

   Faith that exists only when times are good is no faith at all. When we don't get our way, or have prayer answered to our liking, or a personal tragedy or injustice occurs - not that God caused it - our faith will be tested. 

   To quit on God when things go south is to harm ourselves eternally.


Saturday, May 29, 2021

God Didn't Die After All  

   Fifty five years ago, Time Magazine suggested God is dead. 

   Today's evidence: Out-of-wedlock birthrate has tripled. Abortion toll tops 60 million. LGBT has triumphed. Killings and suicides happen daily. And lies. 

   Evidence of God's mercy: No nuclear war. Scientific discoveries undermine atheism, big time! 

   God and his people show that Biblical faith is still very much alive, although the percentage of Americans who "believe" has dropped below 50. We've read of Christ appearing in visions to individuals in Muslim countries where missionaries cannot go. Nothing is impossible with God.  

   Muslims turning to belief and being saved, while Americans ignore plentiful churches, Bibles, TV and radio sermons and testimonies, and lose out. 

   All-powerful God, temporarily tolerating Satan's rule over mankind, cares for his people, searches for more, and promises a joyful future atheists cannot fathom. 


   The sun is too bright to safely see with the naked eye. At sunrise or sunset, bending light rays give us the color of fire. 

   The sun's rays, reflecting off the moon, are white, although a moon rise or fall may show some color, again thanks to light rays bending around the earth. 

   So, what color is the sun, really?  

   We don't know. But God is light, and his children reflect that light, although not brilliantly. As it should be. 



Friday, May 28, 2021

Who Is Greatest? 

   From the beginning, who would you say is greatest of history's men and women? Would it be Alexander? Washington? Lincoln? Nightingale? Gutenberg? Einstein? Graham? 

   How about our Bible candidates such as Moses? Joshua? Daniel? David? Solomon? Paul? Mother Mary? 

   What qualities do we use to measure greatness? Wealth? Power? Contributions to mankind? Can you and I be great?

   By the Lord's standards, there is no one greater than the man Isaiah prophesied in chapter 40, A voice of one calling in the desert. This man would Prepare the way for the Lord. Also, Malachi quoted the Lord himself: I will send my messenger. Prepare the way for me. Suddenly the Lord you seek will come to his temple. 

   When virgin Mary told her cousin Elizabeth what an angel had revealed, Elizabeth's child "leaped" in her womb. God had already put his Spirit upon the baby, six months along, who would be named (in English) John, a name not known among the family

   The disciple Matthew in chapter 3 writes of John's clothing - camel's hair with a leather belt - and his food - locusts and wild honey. Matthew says throngs from Jerusalem and all Judea went to John to be baptized in the Jordan River (the desert). We assume God put this extraordinary mood of repentance into the hearts of many people. Then Jesus arrived, about to enter his ministry, and convinced John - who recognized him - to baptize him (God) "for the sake of righteousness." 

   Herod put John in prison. Matthew records in chapter 11 what Jesus said to a crowd in Galilee - Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist. 

   There's our answer. We need not idolize or envy anyone with a million dollar home, secret account in a Swiss bank, personal yacht, Hollywood or Nashville fame, or any other worldly glory. So too, anyone who occupies the White House. 

   Best of all, you can be greater than John. Jesus added: He who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. If you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. 

   Care to read that again?



Thursday, May 27, 2021

Our Jonah Impersonation 

   We sailed for maybe three minutes, my cousin Allan and me. The largest lake in Pennsylvania was only 13 miles from home, and we aimed to become sailors. 

   Our sailboat came in a box, some assembly required. Right. The instructions said "a woman can put it together in 30 minutes." Of course, they didn't supply the woman. 

   We were well into our second hour on our front porch,  when our dads showed up and snickered about the 30-minutes. 

   Actually, it was a foldable canoe with a plywood skeleton and a board in the middle, into which goes the mast, and keels hanging over either end of that. 

  Growing Up, No. 8

   We didn't paddle the canoe on our maiden voyage. Oh no. We went straight for the sailboat adventure. 

   Choosing a beach about 100 yards from the dam, the deepest part of the lake, we pushed off, me holding the sail parallel with the canoe, and Allan using the rudder. Within a couple minutes the wind was tipping us to the right. While I held the sail tight, I yelled for him to turn the rudder, turn us into the wind. 

   Oh, did I forget to mention that we had life jackets in the boat, but not on? 

   So we held on to our preservers and Allan somehow got a grip on the sail which had separated from the boat. Then came a fisherman to see if we needed help. Duh! We asked him to tow our water-filled canoe to shore, thinking he would come back for us. 

   We couldn't swim with arms full, so we inched toward the dam, our only option. The road across the dam soon was full of drivers who stopped to watch us drown. I estimated we were in the lake for about half an hour.

Mark 4:39 - He got up, rebuked the wind, and...

   We could have used his help that day. But, he let me learn, first, you can't don a life jacket after you're already in the drink. Holding our jackets did save our lives. And second, when the wind blows from the side, you let out the sail as far as necessary. A few years later I bought a real sailboat, a sloop, and successfully sailed it on Lake Erie. Allan sailed with me on one of those outings. I should ask him why he trusted me with his life a second time.  


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Truth and Love 

   There was a song in the 1950s that went, Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage. You can't have one without the other. 

   Our culture doesn't sing that song, does it? In fact, the government gives money to single mothers; no moral requirements. 

   Who would shut one window on a cold night while leaving another wide open? What family would invite a loose python to spend the night? Some things are all or nothing. 

   Late in life, before the Revelation, the apostle John wrote his second letter. He emphasized, love in the truth ... because of the truth ... in truth and love ... children walking in truth. This coupling is consistent throughout the New Testament. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:6, love...rejoices with the truth. 

   Some people think love, friendship and unity are the way, and are offended when others say truth is a condition for unity. It is also possible to teach Biblical truth and doctrines without having love and concern for others.  

   John wrote, Many (Christian?) deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what you have...  

   When John says, We know... in his first letter, he is referring to decades earlier when he was a disciple in training, the bitter day he watched Jesus' body die on the cross, followed by the awesome times he and others met with resurrected Jesus.    

   Belief in the blood is a condition for God's grace, mercy and peace. 


Monday, May 24, 2021

What's a Dove Got to Do With It?

   Before his birth, God chose the man known as John the Baptist for a particular duty. He was to baptize people who repented of their sins, in the Jordan River, when Jesus the carpenter's sinless son arrived to begin his ministry. 

   Identifying with sinners, Jesus publicly instructed John to baptize him, "to fulfill all righteousness." When he came up out of the water, "heaven was opened and the Spirit of God descended like a dove, lighting on him. A voice from heaven said 'This is my Son, whom I love: with him I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:16-17)

   A new movement of God was beginning, and all mankind would be called to repentance. Thus, the Father (voice), the Son (Jesus) and the Spirit (dove-like) revealed themselves before those onlookers.

   The Spirit led Jesus into the desert for 40 days and nights, after which He did nothing apart from the power of the Holy Spirit. Before his ascension Jesus himself would baptize his followers with the Holy Spirit. If the Spirit enabled the Son, how much more do we mortals need his leading and power?   

   Now, what about the dove? Sunday night in a special service on the day of Pentecost, one of our speakers explained that a dove has nine feathers on its left wing, nine feathers on its right wing, and five tail feathers. 

   The apostle Paul wrote of the gifts of the Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in tongues (languages) and interpretation of tongues. Nine in all. (I Corinthians 12)

   He wrote to Galatians (5:22-23), the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Nine in all.

   Paul also wrote of the ministry of the Spirit: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Five in all. Advancement of the church. (Ephesians 4:11)

   There are explanations of the gifts and fruit, but we'll leave that for another time.  



Sunday, May 23, 2021



Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

Serve the Lord with gladness;

come before him with joyful songs,

Know that the Lord is God.

It is he who made us and we are his;

we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving

and his courts with praise;

give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;

his faithfulness continues through all generations. 

Psalm 100

Saturday, May 22, 2021

 Fowl Play

   When our golf course closed, the fairway behind our home became just another field. The owner decided to make all 18 fairways into tree farms. With that, many birds and critters felt safe to search for food. We counted: 

12 turkeys pecking

11 squirrels scrambling

10 ibis nibbling

9 sparrows nesting

8 mocking birds mocking

7 frogs croaking

6 dogs barking

5 hawks circling

4 sandhill cranes standing

3 rabbits hopping

2 coyotes howling 

and a partridge in a pear tree.


Friday, May 21, 2021

Created Order

            3 of 3

    Stonestreet says that today men and women are still made “in God’s likeness, able to reflect God’s love, glory and holiness.” Our moral likeness – moral obedience and intimate communion – is redemption, renewal of original moral likeness. (Ephesians 4:22-24). We are “like,” but not divine, a lower order, dependent on God. (Psalm 8:5).

    Our purpose is to rule the earth and animal kingdom, and to make family relationships – God, family, children – our priority. (Ephesians 5:21). We could live God’s purposes to a far greater extent than we do.

   Sin brought ruin, futility and suffering to creation. At the end of the age, Jesus will restore earth. (Romans 8:19-25; Hebrews 2:5-8; Revelation 21:1).

   On the 7th day (Genesis 2:3) God made it sacred and special, a day of rest, a memorial to completed creation. It is a blessing (Exodus 20:8), set aside for service and communion with him (Exodus 16:29).

   Mr. Stonestreet explains, “God (Elohim) is the general name for his greatness and power. Lord (Yahweh) is his personal, covenant name, representing kindness, redemption, nearness and faithful presence. 'Lord God' is our powerful creator in covenant relationship.”

   He continues, “Genesis 2:7 is the special act of life for humans, distinctive. Able to choose to obey or disobey. The tree of life is accessed in the new heaven and earth (Revelation 2:7, 22:2)."

   “In Genesis 2:15, Adam was meant to work under God’s direction. The human race is still bound to God by belief, obedience and truth. In Genesis 2:24, the family became the first and most important institution in creation, with male and female united physically and spiritually.”

   Nothing in God’s plan includes or invites or rewards adultery, polygamy, homosexuality, immoral living or unscriptural divorce. (Mark 10:7-9).


Thursday, May 20, 2021

 Lies Worked Once, So They Keep on Coming

        2 of 3

   When God questioned Eve, she realized the serpent had deceived her, and her husband tried to shift all blame. There would be no Tree of Life on earth ever again.

   False teachers, kings, snake-oil salesmen, gambling casinos, scams and other falsehoods have deceived the world ever since.

   John Stonestreet, president of the Colson Center, in an interview said that some mainline denominations have drifted away from orthodoxy. This is not news. In the moral revolution, “wrong is right and right is wrong.” But he said the root, not the fruit, is a shift in cosmology (world) and anthropology (humans).

   “The nature of reality and the nature of humanity is revealed. We don’t determine human nature nor discover it.”   

   Stonestreet asks, “Does God really care about who he created us to be? Yes! The Bible is linear – God-given goals, plans, work of the Holy Spirit, etc. – not cycles of evolution.”

   “God is the source of all existence. He has sovereign rights. In a fallen world, he offers redemption. The light bearers are signs,” Stonestreet  continues. “They reflect his glory.”

   “Lights point to him and mark times. Astrology on the other hand ‘purposes’ to guide people’s lives. When God said 'Let us make man in our image,' Genesis 1:26, he was telling us he is a triune God, or tri-unity.”

   Male and female are God’s special creation. The lie that we evolved is an insult to God and his creation. We, not the animal kingdom, respond to and fellowship with God, reflect his love and holiness, by knowing and obeying him.  

   Despite our fallenness, the natural world still is valued as an expression of God’s glory and love.

                                 Tomorrow:  Another look at created order


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Did God Really Say…?

             1 of 3

   Look around, fellow Christians. The church is not only segmented into various denominations, but in some, worldly thinking has replaced what’s left of biblical truth.

   In Revelation 17, the worldly church is called the “great prostitute.” It is the apostate (unbelieving) church, and the “beast” himself will bring her to ruin.  

   Without personal judgment or hatred of individuals, we write of a transgender bishop, LGBQ clergy, a homosexual bishop, and same-sex marriage in the church. Years ago, we knew of a bishop who didn’t even believe the gospel. So do we “test the spirits” or just fall in line?  

   The “church” has already evolved on other issues: the authority of scripture, the sufficiency of Christ, and the sinfulness of humanity. There is no scriptural justification for moral compromise. Loving our neighbors does not excuse buying into their worldly opinions.  

   Who’s right? We find the answers in just two chapters … Genesis 1 & 2.

   God! No one else. Created all this. In Genesis 1:26 he created man in our image. Likeness. Resemblance. Did you catch the plural? 

   “Man” (mankind) represents all humans. In the next verse, humans are “male and female.” He provides food for humans and the lower order of animals.

   Chapter 2 gives creation more detail – man formed from dust, given the “breath of life,” a garden, a tree of life and a forbidden tree of knowledge.

   The first woman is formed out of the man’s rib – and they shall be “united, one flesh.”

   That’s what we know. God’s word delivered over 15 centuries never departs from created order.

   But the male and female need to be tested. The crafty serpent – not an impossibility to them in the garden - speaks: Did God really say you must not…?

                             Tomorrow: Deception takes hold




Tuesday, May 18, 2021

 Who Was Watching? 

   What were my school mates seeing? Why didn't my teachers see something?

   There I was in elementary school, curling my fingers into a "telescope" to help me read a word or two, with one eye, on the blackboard way across the room. Pretty ingenious? Not that I really wanted to learn all that much. 

   Later, now a 5th grader, I went with Dad to Youngstown to see an exhibition basketball game. I kept asking him the score, until he tired of answering. "Can't you see the scoreboard?" he snapped.

   Next stop: An optometrist, and soon I became known as "four eyes."   

Growing Up, #7

   Many years and new glasses later, I went through a string of double-vision corrections. Then I had an operation to straighten my right eye - wonderful! - only to have it begin turning again. This is the eye that scanned the blackboard in school. So I have correction again, and I need more correction ... again. 

   Someday I'll have to turn the wheel over to someone else. I've already practiced, turning my life over to Someone else.  

Psalm 121:7-8  The Lord ... will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. 

   Isn't it awesome how He can see clearly, even into the innermost part of our hearts? 



Monday, May 17, 2021

Yes, but...

   A missionary had been serving in one of the most dangerous border towns in Mexico. More than 2,000 asylum-seekers set up camp near his church, during the "stay in Mexico" policy. He provided firewood and other material help, and helped raise churches, where the asylum seekers gathered to sing hymns and pray.

   Yes, but now cartels are sneaking drugs into the U.S. while agents are dealing with illegal immigrants. 

   The missionary has lost about half his financial support from American Christians, people he says who give thousands of dollars to missions elsewhere, but not to the mission on our door step.   

   When people arrive with little else but their Bibles and prayers, he thinks of Jesus' commandment to Love one another... (John 13:34-35.) 

   Yes, but possible terrorists from many countries, sex traffickers and MS-13 gang members are also infiltrating America. 

   Sophia Lee of WORLD magazine has met "many Christians" who share the missionary's perspective. They see an opportunity for God's people to be merciful and gracious. "We can feel the presence of God," one reported, and another said, "God's work is so visible here. They're our brothers and sisters in Christ."  

   Yes, but they're illegal.

   So there is the political perspective, and the kingdom perspective. 

   Unless and until the administration reverts to Trump's policy, both the hurting and the criminals are going to keep on coming, whether people of faith intervene or not. Political narratives offset each other. 

     Jesus in John 13 wasn't talking about border crossings, but his parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10 is close to it. We won't anger God by being good Samaritans.  



Sunday, May 16, 2021

A Zoom View of Marriage  

   Without leaving the house, we saw our granddaughter Abby get married yesterday. 

   Yes, it's 2021. You can order in food and all kinds of purchases. And you can see a wedding in Indiana while sitting on your couch in Florida, without commercials. 

   Her parents put a laptop on a table behind the attendees at a tree farm. We just clicked on the link they sent us by email Thursday evening. 

   For 10 minutes before the ceremony, we watched people assemble, including our daughter and husband, and our younger son we haven't seen since December 2018. We saw our other son, Abby's dad, give her away, and later he with Abby's mom closed out the feed. 

   The pastor had known Abby and Cameron through their high school years in "Bible Bowl" competitions...where they had met, he in Indiana, she in Ohio. He urged them to put Christ at the head of their marriage, a promise they no doubt had already made. 

Hearing Silent Music 

   Recently I often awaken in early morning with the music - not the words - of a hymn, repeating in my head. A different hymn each time. The notes are familiar. But the words aren't easy to recall.

   Friday morning I tried to concentrate, hoping my memory could unlock a little bit. It wasn't long before my mind gave it up, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. I got out of bed, found my book of 365 hymns and there it was.    

When I survey the wondrous cross, 

On which the Prince of glory died, 

My richest gain I count but loss,

And pour contempt on all my pride.

Isaac Watts


    PS. This morning it was All Hail the Power of Jesus' name.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

 Like the Church Signs    

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

   The heart is an organ. Keep it in tune with Jesus.

      Even a fish avoids trouble if he keeps his mouth shut.

I was going to waste, but Jesus recycled me.

   Swallowing pride seldom leads to indigestion.

      Today is a gift from God. It's called "The Present."  

The best exercise is stooping down and helping another.

   Jesus never taught how to preach, only how to pray. 

      Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray.

God answers knee-mail.

   Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future.

      Lord help me to be who my dog thinks I am.

Forbidden fruit creates many jams.

   Long standing troubles? Try kneeling.

      Experts made the Titanic. Amateurs made the ark.

Church is a gift from God. Assembly required. 

   God is everywhere, so pray anywhere.

      Seven days without prayer make one weak. 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Need More Than a Helmet  

                                            Growing Up #6

   Just a short joy ride.

   It was 1987 and my life was okay, but with some sadness. 

   How about a little recreation on my used 400cc motorcycle? Having ridden it to work a couple times, about 80 miles, I rode it to Pittsburgh for keeps.

   That 4th of July was my first opportunity to ride in three weeks. My new friend had offered her garage to me, not that she wanted to ride. 😏

   So, I left my apartment for a holiday meal with her relatives with time to spare, and hopped on the bike. I wore a helmet and proper clothing, chose a back road with little traffic. I knew the safety rules. What could go wrong?

   Well, first, I didn’t see the 45-mph speed limit and was doing 55. Then, on this road where I had never been, a curve that wouldn’t straighten out. I knew how to lean, but couldn’t make myself do it, watching the berm come closer and closer until…

   On gravel, the tires gave way and the bike and I tumbled over. I assumed no one was around, but a motorist was on me quickly and made me lie back down. An ambulance wasn’t far behind.

   They put my left arm in a cast, but the worst part was general trauma to my back. I was not good company at dinner that night.

   After four days of recuperating enough to return to work, I revisited the site and found my broken wristwatch. Then I heard a roar off to my right. A biker in black clothes on a black bike roared around the same curve doing, I guess, 70-mph. So that’s how you do it?

   Our enemy hides around the next bend of the road of life. We may wear the helmet of salvation. But we still must guard against potential harm beyond the obvious.

1 Peter 5:8  Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.


Thursday, May 13, 2021

No Conscience Allowed?  

   The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that it will enforce Affordable Care Act anti-discrimination measures based on people’s preferred genders. 

   This means the HHS Office for Civil Rights will investigate complaints of sex discrimination according to so-called gender identity. The government could sanction medical providers for failing to observe people’s chosen identities.

   What will this change? Last summer, the Trump administration defined sex as biological sex, but a federal judge blocked the new rules from taking effect. 

   The Biden administration is essentially returning to the policy and practice of former President Barack Obama, who denied religious liberty to healthcare providers who resisted providing abortions and gender transition procedures.

   Health Secretary Xavier Becerra fights to overturn a court ruling that protected Catholic doctors from having to participate in gender transition procedures under the Affordable Care Act.

WORLD magazine online

   Do you find this strange for a president who presents himself as a practicing Catholic?


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 In Alphabetical Order

 Biblical words in bold.

   Abounding are the reasons you might want to read this, from A to W.

   Awesome is the reward if you choose to continue reading. Yes, be eager to make the effort and you may be elated. Enjoy yourself, and be glad as you consider the glory of the Lord.

   Despite earth’s travails, you can be happy, having hope and joy and laughter. Even in trials, peace comes over you when you praise His name.

   It is pleasing to experience pleasure as you rejoice in your ultimate safety, the salvation of your soul

   You sang and sing again the songs of faith. You will know you are secure. Your face will shine, after you have sung some more.   

   In eternity your eyes will sparkle when you see the splendor of His majesty, there in spotless robe. 

   Straight the street; so long, struggle.

   Thankful you will be in the triumph of the victory He has won for you.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

 Connecting the Dots, and Levers

Growing Up #5

   Little did we know in the 1990s that we participated in critical race theory.

   Our 20-member public relations team at the Savannah River Site, a 300-square-mile government facility that produced nuclear material for bombs, had an off-site training day. This was during the Clinton administration, and Hazel O’Leary was secretary of energy, the "authority." 

   Our supervisor, following “orders from headquarters,” lined us across the yard and presented statements. This had nothing to do with our mission. If we were white or otherwise, children of two parents or otherwise, etc. we would take one or two steps forward, or backward. On it went.   

   I grew up thinking less of myself and more of others – naturally, not for biblical reasons - and that hadn’t changed much by my mid-50s. So, it shocked me when the game left average me well ahead of most others.

   How could this be, I asked another employee as we sat down on the door steps. Now we learn that critical race theory had its origins in the 1990s. Bingo!   

   White privilege? NO! White advantage? Maybe. Two good parents. Safe neighborhood. Good schools. Community more or less believing in God, and certainly patriotic. Yes. 

   There is privilege in wealth and power, and it isn’t limited to race. Behavior has more to do with advantage. How about stronger, nuclear families and teachers. Truth about black-on-black crime, which would be even worse without law enforcement. What might be if black babies didn’t suffer the great majority of 60 million abortions?

Ephesians 4 – Be humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

    One day Secretary O’Leary toured SRS, in particular one of the two mammoth “canyons” where "spent" nuclear fuel rods from our five reactors were processed. For protection, operators used levers on one side of a glass wall, connected to other levers exposed to radiation, to accomplish the work. A level-3 manager – I knew him – told her that one lever was a “master” and the other, a “slave.”

   EXPLOSION! The secretary laid into him, it was said, for five minutes, after which he was concerned about keeping his job. I don’t know if they found better names for those tools, but WOKE has its own tools. The first is race; the connection is power.  


Monday, May 10, 2021

Fixing Elections, Not Results 

   Yours truly would gladly surrender my right to vote if the voting procedures in my state guaranteed that elections will be honest. I think this was accomplished here in Florida, and I didn't have to give up my right. 

   The leftist news complained, "The media was barred from attending the governor's signing ceremony." Boo hoo. And, a few people may have a difficult time casting their votes. 

   We don't want anyone denied, but it's past time for states to clean up their acts. There is no perfect solution. I'll take a few hardships over a scatter-brain approach that invites enormous cheating.  

Advantage: Southpaws 
   Did you know? Ten percent of people are left-handed. But 25 percent of Major League Baseball players are left handed. How's come? 

   Little Leaguers have little battling experience against southpaws. In the bigs, advantage lefties. Right field in most parks is shorter than left field. Advantage, lefties. 

   Left handed batters can see the ball leave the pitcher's hand quicker than right handers. And when they connect, their momentum is already in the direction of first base. With southpaw pitchers, it is harder to steal second base. 

   So, if you dream of your son or grandson making the bigs, train him from age 2 to prefer his left hand. 

   As for politics, he'll enjoy more freedom if the right prevails.

Baseball information from Grandma Andree Seu Peterson


Sunday, May 9, 2021

 Peter Explains    

   Understanding Scripture and our response to it, we sometimes need help from a qualified person, or Holy Spirit-inspired scripture which sheds light on ... scripture. 

   Questions: Can we belong to Christ and later fall away? Does God only call/elect certain people, while others never have hope for salvation? 

   Peter the disciple was inclined to take matters into his own hands, even on occasions "suggesting" to his teacher what should be done. He was the lone disciple bold to walk on water at Jesus' invitation. At the empty tomb, John hesitated. Peter hurried right in.    

   This is the "follower" with courage to mingle with the hostile crowd when his teacher was arrested, but cowardly lied three times about being his disciple.  

   But Peter the apostle, now acquainted with his risen Lord and given the Holy Spirit, was much different. Reading his letters makes it obvious - uneducated Peter was a new man, born again, receiving knowledge from above like a prophet. 

   In second Peter 1, after listing qualities we should make every effort to add to our faith, he wrote, Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall. 

   In chapter 3, he shares inspired knowledge of "the last days," and "the day of judgment." Then he adds, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 

   Don't ask me. Ask Peter. If his word isn't trustworthy, what is? 


Saturday, May 8, 2021

 Would Madison Be Optimistic Today?  

   "Misrepresentation and party feuds have arisen to such a height" that they may not end "at any point short of confusion and anarchy," said the president. 

   That was George Washington, who along with John Adams and Alexander Hamilton thought the American experiment was a failure and the U.S. would soon be disunited. Slavery was the problem Jefferson thought would kill the deal.

   Adams (the capitalization was his) wrote, "There is So much Rascality, so much Venality and Corruption, so much Avarice and Ambition, such a Rage for Profit and Commerce among all Ranks and Degrees of Men." 

   Other founders shared Adams' concern. Benjamin Rush wrote that the U.S. "will certainly fail. It has already disappointed the expectations of its most sanguine and ardent friends." He told his children that he felt "shame for my zeal in the cause of our Country." As for the Constitution, he wrote, "I cannot meet a man who loves it." 

   Dennis Rasmussen, whose book provided these quotes, says, "The looming demise of American democracy has been announced countless times in the course of history. We are bombarded with similar pronouncements today." 

   But James Madison said the American constitutional order in 1834 was "successful beyond any of the forms of government, ancient or modern, with which it may be compared." 

   Yesterday we completed our six-part summary of the threat posed by critical race theory. America-hating leftists are getting closer to totalitarian levels of power, we are purposely divided, and lied to, institutions are wobbling, faith is viewed as radical, and few care about our exploding debt. 

   We survived the Civil War, and we may survive yet. God knows.   

   Our nation is farther down the road of "rascality" than Adam's day. 


Friday, May 7, 2021


     6 of 6                  Critical Race Theory, by Christopher Rufo  

   On the grassroots level, a multiracial and bipartisan coalition is emerging to do battle against critical race theory. Parents are mobilizing against racially divisive curricula in public schools, and employees are increasingly speaking out against Orwellian reeducation in the workplace. 

   When they see what is happening, Americans are naturally outraged that critical race theory promotes three ideas - race essentialism (it is what it is), collective guilt, and neo-segregation, which violate the basic principles of equality and justice. Many Chinese Americans have told me that having survived the Cultural Revolution in their former country, they refuse to let the same thing happen here. 

   We need to employ our own moral language rather than allow ourselves to be confined by the categories of critical race theory. For example, we often find ourselves debating "diversity." Diversity is generally good, all things being equal, but it is of secondary value. We should be talking about and aiming at excellence, a common standard that challenges people of all backgrounds to achieve their potential. Excellence beats diversity every time. 

   Similarly, in addition to pointing out the dishonesty of the historical narrative on which critical race theory is predicated, we must promote the true story of America - a story that is honest about injustices in American history, but that places them in the context of our nation's high ideals and the progress we have made. 

   Genuine American history is rich with stories of achievements and sacrifices that will move the hearts of Americans - in stark contrast to the grim and pessimistic narrative pressed by critical race theorists. 

   Above all, we must have courage - the fundamental virtue required in our time. Courage to stand and speak the truth. Courage to withstand epithets (descriptions). Courage to face the mob. Courage to shrug off the scorn of the elites. 

   When enough of us overcome the fear that currently prevents so many from speaking out, the hold of critical race theory will begin to slip. And courage begets courage. It's easy to stop a lone dissenter; it's much harder to stop 10, 20, 100, 1,000, 1,000,000 or more who stand up together for the principles of America. 

   Truth and justice are on our side. If we can muster the courage we will win.


Thursday, May 6, 2021

  Who Made Satan Ruler?

            In 1998, someone sang Who Let the Dogs Out? for the first time. This was in Trinidad & Tobago; the “dogs” were undesirable people of some sort. Really, an insult to dogs.

            Now this: Who let Satan out? Or more correctly, who banished him (Lucifer) to earth along with a host of evil spirits? ... God, of course.

            Different question: Who made Satan ruler over the earth? He accuses us day and night (Rev. 12:10). Woe to the earth; the devil is furious.

            Jesus referred to him three times as the “prince of this world” in John’s gospel. Why would the Son of God say that Satan is prince of the world that his Father created? John, in his first letter, acknowledged that Satan dominates the world. He patrols, enslaves and makes captive everyone he can.

            Ezekiel (chapter 22) lists a "conspiracy of princes" worse than dogs: lions and wolves – tearing, devouring, stealing, profaning, blinding, shedding blood, oppressing, lying etc.

            Who made Satan ruler? He didn’t rule Adam and Eve until they fell for his lies. And the rest of us have fallen short of righteousness ever since. How can we possibly escape?

            Jesus drove out demons by the Spirit of God (Matthew 12:28), inviting his listeners to believe in him and accept his terms for salvation. Then he died on the cross to bear our punishment, and with mercy offers freedom from spiritual darkness.

            How do we respond? We believe by faith in the blood. We confess our sin and invite God into our spiritual hearts. We participate in spiritual warfare with help of the Spirit of God (see Ephesians 6:11). We pray that God will continue to deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13).

            Peter, who personally witnessed Christ’s sufferings and his resurrection as well, warns, urges, exhorts us to have self-control, stay alert, resist the devil and be firm in faith, even while suffering.  

            Who let the “dogs” out, the men who pierced Jesus’ hands and feet? (see Psalm 22:16).


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

 Political Engagement 

       5 of 6                                                Cristopher Rufo

   No longer simply an academic matter, critical race theory has become a tool of political power. It is driving the vast machinery of the state and society. If we want to succeed in opposing it, we must address it politically at every level.

   Theorists must be confronted with and forced to speak to the facts. Do they support public schools separating first-graders into groups of "oppressors" and "oppressed?" Do they support mandatory curricula teaching that "all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism? 

   Do they support public schools instructing white parents to become "white traitors" and advocate for "white abolition?" Do they want those who work in government to be required to undergo reeducation? How about managers and workers in corporate America? How about the men and women in our military? How about every one of us?

   There are three parts to a successful strategy to defeat the forces of critical race theory, governmental action, grassroots mobilization, and an appeal to principle.

   We already see examples of government action. Last year, one of my reports led President Trump to issue an executive order banning critical race theory-based training programs in the federal government. President Biden rescinded this order on his first day in office, but it provides a model for governors and municipal leaders to follow. 

   This year, several state legislatures have introduced bills to achieve the same goal: preventing public institutions from conducting programs that stereotype, scapegoat or demean people on the basis of race. And I have organized a coalition of attorneys to file lawsuits against schools and government agencies that impose critical race theory-based programs on grounds of...

- the First Amendment (which protects citizens from compelled speech), 

- the Fourteenth Amendment (which provides equal protection under the law) 

- and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which prohibits public institutions from discriminating on the basis of race).

Friday: Conclusion...courage


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Superman or Frankenstein?

             Perhaps Thomas Jefferson made a terrible mistake in the Declaration, when he added “pursuit of happiness” to “life” and “liberty.” 

            Isn’t the goal of pleasure, not just money, the root of much evil in our land? Beyond legitimate entertainment and recreation and healthy relationships, there are deviations that continue to spread. 

            Not that America invented adultery, sex outside of marriage, and similar pursuits. Along came L, and G, then B and T. Several other variations appear in “free” society, now fully approved by national government, the "liberty" idea.

            All that may be child’s play, compared to transhumanism, a way of reinventing humanity by artificial intelligence, science and biological engineering.

            John Lennox, in his book, 2084, tells how some thinkers, unsatisfied with humanity, wish that we could merge with machines – yes – and remake ourselves according to "higher ideals." Really!  

            They would approve of Jefferson’s entry, and beyond. They would increase capacity for pleasure, indefinitely. No more biological suffering, just "magical joy." Woo hoo.

            Lennox calls this a “resurgence of Gnosticism," humans as spirits trapped in an evil body. (There’s no God, but there is spirit and evil. Hmmm.) The goal is to reproduce ourselves, with more brain and less body. And with no male or female. That would minimize the pronouns we have to memorize.  Yea!   

            In practice, he says, it would be a quest for mastery and power, more power for some, less for others. It would be the degradation of man, not that we aren’t unholy enough already.

            This idea entered the mind of Leon Trotsky (and others in the old Soviet Union) who conceived of a “New Man,” a biological superman. Then the Nazi’s aimed to create Aryan super humans the old-fashioned way – killing off the weak.

            C.S. Lewis in 1943, ahead of his time, wrote, The Abolition of Man.  

            See what can happen when a man doesn’t have to work the soil “by painful toil” and the “sweat of his brow,” like Adam? Like Adam, transhumanists will return to dust.
