They Said It
"Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it. It's hard to talk to anybody who doesn't say this. But they don't want to say it out loud." - James Carville
"In vain, I made great works. I built houses and planted vineyards for myself. I made myself gardens and parks, and planted in them all kinds of fruit trees. I also gathered for myself silver and gold. I got singers ... and many concubines. All was vanity and a striving after the wind." - Solomon
"The media ecosystem that centers on Washington, DC keeps peddling each news blip as a last-stand issue, an outrage bigger than the previous day's." - Michael Reneau
"Choose between obedience and comfort. The next decades will ... bring antagonism to the gospel. And that's OK. That has been the reality for most of God's people through most of history." - Pastor Alistair Begg
"There are some laws that communities find so morally offensive that they will never be fully obeyed." - Abraham Lincoln (slavery, abortion)
"Practiced in the acts of Despotism & Cruelty, we become callous to the Dictates of Humanity. To regard part of our Species in the most contemptible Degree, we lose that Idea of the Dignity of Man." - George Mason, two generations before the Civil War.
"Publishers and booksellers are playing a game without rules on a field without boundaries. There are no guidelines, only 'values.' No plan of action, only reaction. Postures, rather than principles. These are privately owned companies. But exclusion by preference is sometimes worse than law. Censorship can glamorize the forbidden. Cancelling merely smothers it." - Janie B. Cheaney
"One day, when I depart this body and find myself in the presence of the Lord, my time, however it will be measured, will be filled with the praises and the wonder of Jesus."
- Robert Lesslie, 70, physician, author and church elder, gunned down along with his family and two repairmen by a former NFL player, who took his own life.