Friday, January 31, 2020

Thanks, Brett    
   Earlier this week we blogged about the sport of rugby, a cousin of football. We wondered if football fans would ever take to rugby - players wear no pads or helmets, but are far less likely to be injured.

   Friday morning we received a high five from NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre. Well, he spoke on TV during interviews leading up to Super Bowl 54. 

   Favre has two daughters. If we heard it right, he said that if he had sons most likely they wouldn't have played football. "One brain injury might be one too many," he reasoned. 

What's the Hurry?
   It didn't take long for a new Democrat-controlled state house and senate to kill protections for unborn babies. Virginia's governor, who favors letting infants die after failed late-term abortions, is expected to sign a bill that:

- omits a requirement that only licensed physicians can perform abortions.

- allows facilities to carry out abortions without offering an ultrasound 
or giving mothers certain information 24 hours in advance. 

   Last year, during Republican control, Democrats tried and failed to expand abortion in the state. 


You Never Know    
   Last Sunday morning an exceptional athlete and man, Kobe Bryant, and his daughter took communion at a Catholic church. A short time later, they were greeted in heaven - we choose to believe - after his private Sikorsky-76 helicopter made high-speed impact on a foggy mountain north of Los Angeles. 

   Who wouldn't want to fly over ridiculous Los Angeles traffic? We can't imagine Bryant family grief and that of others who lost loved ones on that routine flight to a girls' basketball event. 

   When we played in our high school band, we rode buses to football games. There are bus accidents among others, but we never thought of risk as we rode home singing, "99 beers on the wall." 

   God didn't invent buses, or aircraft. There were no casualties until after the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, and no helicopter incidents before Sikorsky.  

   History is filled with ship losses, but none so infamous until men built the "unsinkable" Titanic.  

   So we enjoy the life modern rides enable, but it sure hurts when gravity wins.  

   Years ago, Bruce our second cousin in Texas was on a small jet after covering a high-school football game for his TV station. No one determined why the plane suddenly nose dived. His first cousin in Ohio, Eric, fell victim to a drunken driver. You never know.  

   A helicopter flight instructor at Van Nuys airport said Bryant's pilot "likely got disoriented in the fog. It's a common thing that happens in airplanes and helicopters.

   "If you're flying visually, if you get caught where you can't see out the windshield, the life expectancy of the pilot and the aircraft is maybe 10, 15 seconds, and it happens all the time, and it's really a shame."

   As it was for JFK Jr., his wife and her sister one dark night. 



Wednesday, January 29, 2020

An Honest Man   

   We're tired of reading about people who cheat, steal and otherwise use unscrupulous ways to make a few bucks, or millions.

   So it was really nice to learn of a Michigan man who found and returned $43,170 to a family that had donated a piece of furniture to Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Legally, he could have kept the money he found in the item he bought.

   Years ago a man, frugal and cash oriented, hid his money rather than deposit or invest it. After his passing, his granddaughter donated his furniture without knowledge of any money hidden in it.

   The buyer, Howard Kirby, a Christian with a Santa Claus beard, located the family with help from the ReStore, and felt joy at giving them grandpa's cash. 

Our Story
   This reminds me of an old story from my late family. 

   An uncle worked away from home inspecting construction projects for the Corps of Engineers. His wife handled the money and whatever else at home. 

   Once when she was hospitalized, he found about $41,000 under the mattress. Mom and Dad happened to be visiting then or soon after, which is how I learned about this.  

   Guess auntie had the same outlook as the grandfather in Michigan. Memories of the 1929 crash caused some Americans to mistrust the banks.    


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What's Going On?   
   People speak in lies. They don't argue their points with integrity.

   They rely on empty arguments and conceive trouble. Truth goes missing, and there is no room for honesty.

   In such a world, there is little opportunity for justice.

   Are these observations from the impeachment drama? No, they are found in Isaiah chapter 59, written 700 years before Christ. So much for human nature improving itself.

An Alternative Super Bowl
   Which is more violent, a game between the 49ers and Chiefs, or one between the Norsemen and Barbarians?  

   If you guessed the latter, guess again.

   Sunday night, after a week of partying in Miami and tons of money spent on promotions, tickets, hotels, entertainment and such, the NFL will cap all the hype with its 54th Super Bowl. Players and many others associated with the event will be richer for it. 

   Monday morning, hungover TV fans won't be the only folks with headaches. Some of the players may be nursing head or neck injuries; life-long problems are somewhat common. It's part of the game.

   We wonder if millions of football fans could ever transition to rugby. There are club teams, and there is Major League Rugby, 12 teams in the U.S. and Canada, seen on CBS from February through the final game in June. Rugby gained Olympic status in 2016. 

    Rugby players don't wear pads, yet are safer. They tackle with their shoulders rather than head first. Players don't want to injure themselves. Certain rules also protect them.

   One doctor sees more broken fingers than anything, as players get stepped on. But no helmets, and no concussions. Maybe we'll check it out.



Monday, January 27, 2020

Have You Heard?    
   The Apostrophe' Protection Society has called it quit's. Laziness and ignorance win's, they say. Apostrophe' abuse will continue until the end of time.' 

   Speaking of lazy, we deny that we are too lazy to keep up with our daily schedule of blogs. Truth is, we're into our second week of visiting sister-in-law in the hospital. 

   That and necessary activities at home such as meals, showers and laundry leave us little time for writing. Raise your right hand if you think this is good news. Plus, we lost a day or so dealing with a root canal. Tooth #19 in case you must know. 

   Mrs. Donut's sister is counting the days until escape...about four to go.

Capitalism Works...for Socialists  
   Think you're getting honesty from presidential candidates? We did find time to watch Life, Liberty & Levin Sunday evening. 

   He showed videos of Democratic politicians side by side with those of news media types. One would say something, followed by the other using almost identical words. This went on for a couple minutes. 

   For years on FOX we've seen clips of so-called journalists reciting the same lines someone has fed them. But this was telling: Most press and TV media are in the pocket of the Democratic Party.

   No big deal? This is the practice of communist and other dictatorships. Ask a citizen of Russia, China or Iran how free their press is.

   Levin's next segment was an interview with author Peter Schweizer who spent seven months researching presidential candidates. For more details, search his name.

   People like Biden, Warren and Sanders - the latter two espouse socialist views - have enriched themselves by using government connections to enrich themselves. Hunter Biden is only one of five in the family to play the game. 

   The Clintons and Obamas did okay in a capitalist, prosperous system Obama claims to dislike. Are there Republicans who have quietly made similar fortunes?


Friday, January 24, 2020

Stealing Bases, Good       
Stealing Signs, Foul       

   We Americans know how to cheat and steal. It happens in arenas of education, business, medicine, law, politics, hunting & fishing, banking, marriage ... most anywhere people function.

   For decades people have escaped responsibilities and daily bad news by enjoying our great pastime. Something wholesome and true.

   Or not.

   Baseball is unique in that pitchers try to fool batters, who in turn have only a second or so to guess what pitch is coming. If the hitter knows ahead of time, look out! 

   The catcher, who has to know what's coming, gives signs to the pitcher. But other eyes may be watching.

   The 2017 Astros used a video feed from a centerfield camera to see and decode signs. Players in the dugout banged on a trash can with a code for the batters. A former player snitched. 

   Three field managers and a general manager have been fired. One Astros' coach became Red Sox manager in 2018. The Dodgers lost to both teams in the World Series. Hmmm.

   In 1951, the old Dodgers were headed to the National League pennant when the Giants used a sign-stealing scheme in mid-season to greatly improve their record, and beat the Dodgers in the last game of the season. 

Say it ain't so, Joe 
   In 1919 the White Sox and Joe Jackson were accused of taking money from a gambling syndicate to lose the World Series. More recently was a "steroids era." Seven were arrested in a cocaine scandal, including the Pirates' mascot and the Phillies' caterer. 

   Major League Baseball keeps statistics like Knox keeps gold. But we wonder how authentic some of those stats may be at Hall of Fame time.

   And we wonder, considering the millions many players make, why they risk cheating. Oh, right. They want to win, like the rest of us.



Monday, January 20, 2020

Sorry, Kids    
   We are ashamed. We're jeopardizing the future or our youngest generation. Our climate ignorance harms kids and violates their constitutional rights. 

   No denying it. Hurricanes! Rising seas!  

   In 1915, a youth advocacy group filed a lawsuit on behalf of 21 kids between the ages 8 and 18. A federal court dismissed it by 2 to 1, but other suits are in the works in both federal and state courts. 

Can you believe these horrible stories?
   One girl said she was forced to leave her Navajo reservation due to water scarcity. An 8-year-old, now 13, said storms have hurt his home on a barrier island off Florida. Another youngster complained of worsening asthma attacks from air pollution. Oh.....the humanity! 

   Justices were sympathetic, but said the U.S. alone cannot slow or stop climate change. Plus, it's on the U.S. Congress to end use of fossil fuels. Don't they know courts are supposed to make laws while Congress is busy impeaching the president? 

   We'll feel better if we just stop using fossil fuels and limit carbon dioxide emissions. 

   We're calling our young grandson to assure him we'll bury our car - so no one can drive it - even though it has just 28,000 miles. And we'll never again board an airplane to visit him in Ohio.

   To our great-granddaughters, ages 3 and 4 - a letter - so their parents can explain why we're cutting our electric power connection (no more TV cartoons). And we're through buying food products that evil trucks deliver to the supermarket. We'll erect a windmill in our back yard. 

   They'll thank us after we're gone. It's enough that we're leaving them trillions in national debt, and gradually losing our national trust in God.  


Friday, January 17, 2020

Buy Without Cost      
   Awesome! Almighty God offers to quench our spiritual thirst and provide "the richest of fare...without cost." 

   Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? 

   Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! 

   Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; hear me that your soul may live. 

   His invitation has an expiration date.  

   Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord and he will have mercy on him...for he will freely pardon. 

   Double awesome! If you haven't been born again, of the Spirit...  

   For my thoughts are not your thoughts; neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the are my ways higher than yours.  

   If you are born again, you are being transformed and renewed, and your thoughts have begun to conform to his thoughts, and you want to please him. You believe that:

   As the rain and snow come down from is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

   Are you living the "good life?" True joy and peace will be out of this world. 

Excerpts from Isaiah chapter 55

Thursday, January 16, 2020

A Tiger Shall Lead Them     
   Politicians like senators Warren and Sanders might get better ideas from an average Joe on how to help forgotten people. 

   Joe Burrow - way above average on the gridiron - completed his final season at LSU by winning the Heisman Trophy and leading his team Monday night to a decisive national championship. His 2019 Tigers might be one of the two best teams in college football history, along with 2001 Miami. 
Burrow in New York
   During his emotional speech in December, Burrow said: "I'm up here for all those kids that go home to not a lot of food on the table, hungry after school." 

   The problem in his home county in Ohio - as in several northern states - is that industry moved out and coal mining has declined. Proud people don't ask for a handout; they ask for jobs. 

   Athens County, on the edge of Appalachia, is the most impoverished in the state, its poverty double the national average. Burrow did not ask government to redistribute wealth by force, or interfere with wealth creating policies that allow most Americans to live comfortably.  

   One sentence from a college athlete. Within days more than 12,000 responded to a fundraiser - Burrow didn't ask for that either - contributing more than $500,000 by mid-January. Many donors live in Louisiana. 

   Officials, including Joe's pastor, are searching for ways to give this uplift long life, not just one-and-done. As Lincoln said, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish..."

   The Heritage Foundation version: "Focus shouldn't be on redistributing wealth but on figuring out how to uplift people who are struggling."  

   In 1995, 15 countries had wealth taxes. Only four remain. For several reasons, the Warren-Sanders socialist game plan never crosses the goal line. Worse, it results in negative yardage for the forgotten.  



Wednesday, January 15, 2020

IRS: Infuriating Reduced Service     
   If you're facing wage garnishment or bank levies, good luck contacting the IRS to plead hardship. 

   The agency answered only 29 percent of the 100 million telephone calls received during fiscal year 2019. Annual budget cuts and the workload to implement new tax law has the IRS way behind.

   It was late sending legitimate refunds to many taxpayers, and get this: the IRS failed to collect billions in unpaid taxes. (So what did a budget cut save?)

   Taxpayer Advocate within the IRS is charged with ensuring taxpayer rights. But its annual report to Congress spelled out ongoing troubles. 

   Budget cuts (20 percent since 2010) and a drop in full-time employees by some 22 percent over the same period help explain poor customer service. About one third of its workforce will retire over the next five years.

   If there is any good news, maybe there are no more employees with spare time to cull applications for tax exemption by new conservative groups. 


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Sniffing Out THC     
   Bad enough that drivers have to share the roads with inebriated people. And those who text and drive.

   Now there's a new class of compromised folks behind the wheel. Marijuana users.

   There isn't a test to detect THC on the streets and highways, as there is for alcohol. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are responding to the need.

   They have developed a breathalyzer device that can measure the amount of THC. It uses carbon nanotubes - tiny tubes of carbon 100,000 times smaller than a human hair. (We take their word for it.) 

   THC molecules bind to the surface of the nanotubes and change their electrical properties. The speed at which electrical currents recover signals whether THC is present. (We take their word for it.) 

   Chemistry and engineering researchers at Pitt "teach" the breathalyzer to recognize THC, even when alcohol also is present. (We take their word for it.)

   They will keep testing the prototype in the hope that it soon will be manufactured and available for use. 

   Question: Did students actually get high in the lab to test their work?

   Next: Legal debates about what levels of THC would amount to a DUI. That might be more difficult than developing the breathalyzer.   

Tigers Won Last Night  

   Told ya! 


Monday, January 13, 2020

Lust for Power      

   When bad boys get a crown, it's hard to pry them off their thrones. Unelected monarchs, emperors and military strongmen don't go quietly in the night. 

   Regimes in North Korea (nukes) and Iran (nuke wannabees) protect their playgrounds.  

   The late Fidel Castro and now Maduro (so far) managed with routine military support, while citizens out of favor have just one hope - escape. 

   When bad boys threaten other nations' welfare, the latter spend blood and treasure to cut them down to size. See Germany, Japan, Iraq and Libya. Unfortunately, new bad boys often replace the old. See Iraq and Libya. 

   Many nations, some ruled by kings for centuries, now have sensible ways of limiting power, like term limits and free (maybe) elections. 

   One of our U.S. political parties sees itself alone as worthy of power, while news media and certain professors largely sing the same tunes. An interloper must be verbally tarred and feathered. 

   If they gain permanent control ... a Constitutional tweak here and another there ... and what do we have? A regime. FDR & Co. came close.  
   Just for fun, try to match these nations with regimes (old or current). It's easy. 

       Cuba                      Pol Pot
          Venezuela             Assad
          Spain                     Ho Chi Minh 
          Libya                     Hussein
          Sudan                    Alexander
          Botswana              Jong-un
          South Africa         Hirohito
          Saudi Arabia         Ottoman Empire
          Egypt                      Communist Party
          Italy                        Communist Party   
          Germany               Wilhelm II, Hitler
          Soviet Union        Mussolini, Nero 
          China                     Pharaohs
          Turkey                   House of Saud family
          Japan                     Apartide
          North Korea          Mugabe
          Greece                    al-Bashir 
          Iraq                         Gaddafi
          Vietnam                 Franco
          Syria                       Maduro
          Cambodia              Castro 

NCAA football championship: We guarantee that the Tigers will win tonight! 


Friday, January 10, 2020

About His Presence        
We don't remember where we read these "truths," 
but here they are, if you find them helpful:

* God is always present and active in my life.
* His presence is learned behavior.
* My part is to meet God in this moment. 

* I am tempted to live outside this moment, unable to sense God's presence. 
* Sometimes God seems far away; I do not understand.
* When I fail, I can always start again.

* No one knows the full extent to which a human can know God's presence.
* My desire for him ebbs and flows, but his desire for me is constant.
* Every thought moves me closer to God...or farther away.

* Every aspect of my life is of genuine interest to God.
* My experience of his presence will not look quite like yours.
* Trying too hard does not help.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Sly Senator    

   "I plan to be the last American president to be elected by the Electoral College. I want my second term to be elected by direct vote." - Sen. Elizabeth Warren

   Great. Candidates would cater to the eight or ten largest states, and all the rest of you can pound sand. Advantage, Dems. Congress might have something to say about what the senator "plans." 

44 percent - The share of American Christians who told pollsters that attending church is not an essential part of their faith.

65 percent - The percentage among undocumented immigrants in the U.S. (2010-2017) who came legally, then overstayed their visas.

220 pounds - The weight of netting, rope, plastics and other ocean trash found in the stomach of a dead whale beached in Scotland. 

56 - The initial count of deaths in massive crowds of Iranians mourning the loss of their revered general. More than 200 were injured.   
What Works 
   A Harvard study of 5,000 young people found that those who attend a religious service weekly scored higher in psychological well-being, more often volunteered, have a sense of mission, ability to forgive, and lower use of drugs and sexual activity. And they have lower risk of mental illness. 

   The bad news: There is a 20 percent decrease in overall attendance, and almost half of adults under 30 don't identify with any religion. 


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Need Travel Ideas?    

   Things are looking up in Africa.

   More than 100,000 Muslims in Casablanca worship in the Grande Mosquee Hassan II, the largest mosque on the continent. It opened in 1993 at a cost of $700 million, funded by some 12 million donors. 

   The mosque features a 689-foot minaret with a laser that beams toward Mecca, surely a tourist attraction.

   In Dakar, Senegal's capital on Africa's west coast, Massalikul Jinaan mosque opened last September. It features marble exterior, gold-leaf interior, a giant chandelier with 2,000 lights, and five minarets. 

   Also in Dakar, a secular 161-foot African Renaissance Monument is Africa's tallest statue. $27 million. 

   It is called a tribute to Africa's greatness, says Marvin Olasky, while half of Senegal's population is illiterate, very poor and mostly unemployed. Construction jobs were given to North Koreans. (The PRNK government keeps for itself most of the wages paid in foreign projects like this.) 

   You might visit a China-financed $34 million Museum of Black Civilization in Dakar that opened a year ago. Coming up, Senegal's president announced a $400 million high-speed train project. 

   If you prefer traveling the way of eternal life, there's nothing new. The sacrifice of Christ made redemption possible. The Spirit helps us war against our sinful nature, and in other ways, and grace abounds for those who overcome.  

A Poem by Luann
from Sunday comics:  
It's a new year once again, but what's new about it?
Will everything be better? I seriously doubt it. 
People still suffer from hunger, hate and war.
Plus other problems we continue to ignore.
We'll have the same arguments 'cuz no one gets along.
"My opinion's always right and yours is always wrong."
We say Happy New Year 'cuz that's the thing to do.
But it seems the number is the only thing that's new.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


   One study found that a pregnant woman's brain cells activate a warning when nearby objects get too close to her abdomen. Another discovery finds that honeybees protect their hive by passing immunity to certain diseases from one bee to another. 

   As we shared once before, octopus arms can think for themselves and send information back and forth, bypassing the brain. 

   Archaeologists who don't intend to establish Biblical truth, continue to demonstrate Biblical truth. 

   Skeptics who say King David never ruled over a powerful Israel must explain a fortified wall discovered in southern Israel that dates to the time of David's grandson, Rehoboam. The wall could mean that Rehoboam fortified the city of Lachish as the Bible says. And a united and powerful kingdom under David and Solomon was already established before Rehoboam's reign. 

   Scholars also deny that David conquered the Edomites (2 Samuel 8:14), because Edom didn't arise until 300-plus years after David. But a new study found that Edom existed and flourished even before David's predecessor, Saul, became king. 

Pardon Our Skepticism

   Hundreds of thousands of agitated Iranians were shown on TV parading along with a casket reportedly carrying the late general, Qassem Soleimani, killed by a U.S. drone strike. 

   Forgive our irreverence, but who or what is in that casket? If you saw the flaming wreckage of his vehicle, the mangled pile of metal, and the holes blown in a concrete wall nearby, you might surmise the general and companions were blown to bits and the bits were simultaneously cremated. Just our guess.


Monday, January 6, 2020

About Snowflakes      

It's Northerners desperately want to know how snowflakes are formed while you shovel snow for the 15th time this winter. From sunny California by way of sunny Florida, here you go:

A Cal Tech physicist studied snowflakes in nature and in the lab. Snowflakes all conform to one of two basic patterns, either a six- or 12-pointed star, with symmetrical branches of lace or a column.

   Snow crystals grow by receiving more water molecules from the air. A thin, flat crystal forms when the structure's edges bring in molecules more quickly than the inner face.

   But when the face draws in molecules faster than the edges do, the crystal grows taller, forming a  needle or hollow column. Which process takes place depends largely on temperature. 

   Snowflakes are always symmetrical because the two hydrogen and one oxygen molecules (H2O) lock together to form a hexagon. The hexagon in turn makes ice less dense than liquid water, which affects geochemistry, geophysics and climate.

   Thought you would like to know that. 😏  

   Another physicist, at Rice University, said if ice did not float, insulating the water under it in winter, "life on Earth would not be possible." We take his word for it.

   So, maybe we should pray that global warming is reversed and you all have more snowflakes to shovel...more opportunity to examine them and determine whether they are flat or tall, six- or 12-point. 

   Good luck finding two that look alike. 



Friday, January 3, 2020

Surely God is With You    
The Lord himself speaks through a prophet:

I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. 
I form the light and create darkness.
I bring prosperity and create disaster. 
I, the Lord, do all these things.

Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker.
Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?'

Concerning things to come, do you question me
about my children or give me orders about the work of my hands?

It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it.
My own hands stretched out the heavens;
I marshaled their starry hosts.

Surely God is with you, and there is no other;
there is no other god.

I am the Lord and there is no other.
I have not spoken in secret. 
I the Lord speak the truth; I declare what is right.

And there is no God apart from me,
a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me. 

Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth,
for I am God and there is no other.

Before me every knee will bow;
by me every tongue will swear.

They will say of me, 'In the Lord alone are righteousness and strength.'

Above verses are from Isaiah chapter 45.
He was the most literary and influential of Old Testament prophets.
He ministered to four kings. (Jewish tradition - he was sawed in half by the son of King Hezekiah and future king Manasseh in 680 B.C.) 
God, through the prophet, prophesied the fall of Babylon and urged the young generation of captives (who would later return to Jerusalem) to succeed where their elders failed. 


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Our Resolutions   

   We were aided in our choice of New Year's Resolutions by accounts of unhinged Floridians in 2019. Therefore, in 2020 we vow not to:

* Jump off a surfboard onto a shark; that is mean
* Hide a baby gator in our yoga pants; we have no yoga pants
* Sit on a stranger's roof without proper clothing
* Assault someone with a burrito; what a waste of food  
* Ride a horse while breaking into someone's home ... without saddlebags in which to deposit money and jewelry 
More bad news for evolutionists 

   Researchers in China discovered fossils from 101 animal species, 53 percent of which were previously unknown. With no evidence of predecessors, evolutionists can offer no explanation for a large variety of complex animals that showed up during the Cambrian period. 

   Another discovery added to evidence that suggests Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans are one species. 

   With mounting evidence against Darwin, Yale University prof David Gelernter wrote an op-end for the Claremont Review of Books. He said evolution has failed to explain the origin of species and scientists should "get over Darwin and move  on." 
WORLD online


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

They Kept on Coming 
* Events in our county

   A dog got behind the wheel of a running car and knocked it into gear. It circled a cul-de-sac for an hour - backward. 

   A family awoke on Halloween to find a stranger in underwear sitting on their roof with no memory of how he got there. 

   * Three naked women near a Pasco County rest stop led police on a 21-mile chase. They said they had just washed up and needed to "air dry." 

   A man parked his Smart Car in his kitchen to protect it from Hurricane Dorian. Thieves used a woman in a tight red dress to distract a convenience store clerk while they stole 200 gallons of gas. 

   Elsewhere, a man dressed as the Easter Bunny got into a brawl.

   * In New Port Richey, people were arrested for assault with burritos. In Hudson it was a pot of hot turkey soup. And in Spring Hill, a pressure washer was used on a neighbor with a leaf blower. 

   * In Holiday, a troubled couple was arrested each for tossing a concrete block through the other's car window. They had that in common.

   * Finally, a man who goes by Rooster rode a horse while breaking into a New Port Richey home. When deputies arrived, he asked them for help because the horse had wandered away. The horse didn't even belong to him.

Can't wait to see what 2020 brings