Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Young, Brash & Wrong    

   Gotta hand it to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, 29. The new U.S. House member from New York is the youngest in her building, but you wouldn't know it.

   Her first day in Washington, she joined climate-change activists in a sit-in outside Nancy Pelosi's office. She makes news most every day. 

   Unlike most of her senior colleagues, she has command of social media. Ms. Cortez has millions of followers, and may teach the oldsters a thing or two about connecting with their constituents. 

   What the mainstream media's current darling doesn't have is command of economics. She says no one should be a billionaire - would that include George Soros? - while poor folks have ring worms due to insufficient food. "It's not good economics and it's not moral," she declares. 

   We already know she's a far leftist, advocating European-style socialism, if not worse. 

   Two things. When governments take excessive amounts of private wealth to spread around, a nation ends up with less wealth to redistribute. 

   Second, we challenge her to name any socialist country where privileged "leaders" are not billionaires, and poor people don't have ring worms. 

Out of Africa   
   Another country heard from. Last week, someone in Seychelles clicked on Views

   We found it in the Indian Ocean, more than 900 miles off the African coast. Seychelles has 94,000 people and 115 islands. Looks beautiful, and they don't need a wall. 

   We assume they get the internet from satellite.  


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