Monday, January 28, 2019

Up with Vocabulary      

   Dear Readers: You are accustomed to routine vocabulary in our blogs because we were instructed in journalism school to write for people averaging 10th grade education. We apologize to those of you with college and advanced degrees. 

   Here are three old-news stories that may be more to your satisfaction:

Doggone Missing Bone    
   Accumulated in years, mother Hubbard advanced to the enclosure to appropriate for her impoverished canis familiaris a calcareous connective tissue. 

   But when she attained her destination the enclosure was devoid of substance. And so, the impoverished canis familiaris experienced a nonexistent delight.

Children Badly Injured  
   Jack absconded with Jill and ascended a natural elevation to acquire a container of liquid oxide of hydrogen (LOH). 

   In one fell swoop, Jack dislocated the anterior division of his body, and Jill in abeyance followed in sequence. 

If at First You Don't Succeed
   Tiny rambunctious spider ascended the liquid oxide of hydrogen conduit. Then LOH descended and forced the tiny rambunctious spider to abdicate its location. 

   At the reappearance of solar illumination, the LOH evaporated, and the tiny rambunctious spider ascended the LOH conduit undeterred. 

   We sincerely hope our deference to your higher command of language stimulated you. We ourselves didn't understand much of what we just wrote.


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