Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Role Reversal Works for Us   

   Approaching our milestone birthday - second digit, 0 - the "kids" up North determined we could best celebrate if Mrs. Donut and I did the travelling.

   What? Leave Florida in December and fly to the Arctic Circle? Worse, they bought us one-way tickets. Once captured, would they throw us into a rest home?

   They paid for the trip; they made the rules. Okay, we landed at CVG (Cincinnati) on Christmas Day. Son No. 2, daughter and son-in-law hauled us to Dayton.

   We expected to be in the hotel five nights. December 26, we spent time with daughter, a birthday girl herself. We also relaxed at the home of son No. 1, his wife, our favorite (and only) granddaughter, and grandson. And their dogie, which assumed our purpose in life was to entertain her. 

   Next day, we visited and dined with daughter's son, wife and our two great-grandkids. That evening, the commander of Operation Birthday told us to check out at 9 in the morning. No further details.

   With daughter and son No. 2 in front, Mrs. Donut and I in the back seat, like children, we headed northeast. At noon, we descended the west hill into Massillon, a community we often visited in the 1940's and 50's. 
   They pretended to look for a fast-food place, then pulled into a nice restaurant named for Knute Rockne, who played pro football in town over 100 years ago. Our kids left the table. 

   The next faces we saw were my niece and husband, who live in Georgia. This was getting interesting. 

   After lunch, we six trampled around an old family farm. I had never seen it, but my son scouted all this out the week before. 

 Tomorrow: On to Sippo Lake and a surprise for Sis

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