Sunday, January 6, 2019

   Chasing After God   

Retail stores have goods for sale. "Come and get it," they beg.

Restaurants offer varieties. Pick your favorite and chow down.

Or buy on line. You still have to find it, fill your cart,
and supply payment and delivery information.

   God's love endures forever. He has what we need most, and He says, Come!...take the free gift of the water of life.   

   Come? Where? We have yet to see an answer to prayer in a store, or mailbox, or a package on our doorstep. 

   He invites us to seek him, find him, and unite with him in the great transaction of our lives. 

   We know someone who found him. A psalmist, in chapter 119. 

   He wanted to understand and obey, to develop deeper love for God's ways. He went to the source, God's Word, where the Almighty reveals himself to hungry hearts. 

   Only after this ancient person pursued the Word, the Spirit satisfied his wants: joy, love, discernment, comfort, hope, strength, peace, and more desire to understand. 

   This is the living and active...the power to revive and restore us. It's not delivered by UPS. 

   When I was young, like many others, I checked in with God once a week. How many riches did I miss? 

Rev. 22 

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