Sunday, January 13, 2019

What the Gospels Omit      
   We've been following the weather in Jerusalem for some time. Thursday's high was 52 degrees; low, 36. Yesterday it reached 58, and this morning's low was 41.

   In the New Testament, where is there any mention of cold and snow? We know it snows over there.
Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. 
Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. 
- Isaiah 1:18 
   Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be whiter than snow.
- Psalm 51:7

     Illustrations of Biblical people show them in casual robes, short sleeves and sandals. Why aren't theologians asking these questions?

   Was it always summertime on the Sea of Galilee, in Jerusalem, or in Hebron? 

   Was it freezing the night Jesus prayed on the Mt. of Olives? 

   Snow can be a big deal! [As of Sunday morning, nine people have died on the roads.] Friday night, our St. Louis son-in-law needed 4-1/2 hours to get home from work. Yesterday, our son and granddaughter were in Indianapolis for Bible Bowl competition, also along the path of this storm. 

   Was it 36 degrees the night Jesus was born outdoors, in a Bethlehem stable? 

   As a man, Jesus didn't complain about being cold. He focused on teaching us how to live, and about hell, and eternal life. 

   Hyssop is a plant that ancient Hebrews used in rites of purification. 
The blood of Christ is our cleansing agent.  

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