Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Kennedy & KGB       

   Sunday evening, Mark Levin interviewed Paul Kengor for an hour on FOX News about his research on Washington's communist insiders, dating to the 1930s. 

   The political science professor/author has a documented account of Sen. Edward (Ted) Kennedy's "collusion" with the KGB during President Reagan's first term. The "Lion of the Senate" hoped to manufacture a case that Reagan's "belligerence" was preventing the U.S. and Soviets from enjoying harmony and good will. 

   Why? Because the late senator wanted to run against Reagan in 1984. We don't know why he didn't, maybe because Reaganonomics was working. Reagan won 49 states that year. 

   Kengor teaches at Grove City College, where two of my nephews and their wives were educated. He told Levin that none of the mainstream media were (or are) interested in the Kennedy story. How revealing, considering the media's incessant drumbeat about Trump "colluding" with the Russians. 

Views & Russians    
   Our blog program enables us to know when a reader in a foreign country clicks on, even if one time only...44 nations so far. We've had at least a couple dozen hits from Russia.

   Now, liberal bloggers accuse us of colluding with Russian bloggers, without evidence. They cite unnamed, former FBI officials, since fired, who claim our failure to block Russian readers is proof of guilt.  

   This is the most insulting thing we have seen on our comments page. Why don't they inquire into our equally rare connections with readers in Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Paraguay and Zimbabwe? 
Views & Promises
   We haven't forgotten the special series we promised in December. Due to a vacation, a cold and sore throat, and other obligations, we are behind schedule. It's all roughed out, but you deserve "clear and concise."


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