Tuesday, January 29, 2019

70 Years Later     

   Jewish worldwide population still hasn't recovered from the devil's Holocaust. Survivors fought for their own country in 1948, displacing some Palestinians, and 70 years later the enemy of God is still at work.

   Sympathize with militant Arabs if you wish, as does the United Nations, but know this: Satan will not tolerate a people in Jerusalem to receive Jesus, the coming Messiah, if he can help it. 

   Juliet Moses in The Times of Israel asks, "What if (Palestinian leaders) inspired their young to become teachers and Nobel prize-winning scientists, rather than indoctrinating them with hate? What if, instead of storing rockets under hospitals, they built state of the art facilities?" 

   "What if they had a thriving start-up economy that developed (great) technology? What if they commemorated their own Independence Day, and not the 'catastrophe' of Israel's creation?"

   "Palestinians only need to look at Israel to know what they could have had. The Jews chose redemption over (refugee status), triumph over tragedy, prosperity over paralysis, and self-determination over self-immolation." 

   We have another question or two. What if prosperous Israel vacated the entire territory, as they already did in Gaza? What would the Palestinians do with it? 

   There is no evidence they would live any differently than they do in surrounding lands today...as they have lived for centuries. 

   Observe humans. Consider the spirit controlling them.



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