Friday, January 25, 2019

Views By the Sea - 2030      
Looking to the future, here's our view of Views on this date in 2030.
   Greetings. My name is Trey Dee, your new blogger. Jimmy announced his retirement effective yesterday from his nursing home in Orlando. 

   I am the world's first blogger - neither male nor female - made by 3D printing. But rest assured, I will continue to provide scrap for your scrapbook, as did Jimmy. While I am far more intelligent than him, I appreciate the foundation Jimmy laid, the human way. We will continue to build on that, layer by layer.

   My future partner is being constructed, and it will be a suitable helper, made in my image. With that, let's get to today's news.

January 25, 2030
It's Raining Cars     
   The National Traffic Safety Board is recalling 85 percent of flying cars and trucks, refitting them for on-road use. With fatal accidents involving flying, driverless vehicles skyrocketing, heaven knows the sky is not large enough for the growth in traffic, not to mention 70 million drones. 

   At first, flying vehicles alleviated traffic jams and all but eliminated pedestrian deaths. But NTSB's latest count confirms, empty streets and highways must be part of the solution.

Congress Votes to Build Wall
   Congress yesterday voted 435-0 to build a wall on our border with Mexico. Democratic party leaders, assured that years of registering immigrant voters has assured their control of government for generations, met last week to reconsider the decades-old issue.

   A party operative told Views - enough is enough. "It is time," she said, "to secure the border. We don't need any more caravans." 


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