Did anyone ever answer the mystery: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Here's another one: Which came first, Spirit or matter? Many or most people on earth might say, matter is all that matters.
Our Creator by his will made the material universe, all of it...light, darkness, water, dry ground, vegetation, lights in the sky, creatures in water, birds, livestock, wild animals and other creatures to move along the ground.
Then He took some matter aside and formed a man in his image, to rule over the earth. He breathed into Adam, uniting biological life with soul; immaterial that sets the material apart from every other form of animal life. (Janie B. Chaney, WORLD magazine.)
Ancient philosophers considered the human body to be of little purpose.
How we have advanced in our comfy new world. Intellectuals conclude the soul does not exist, and the body is an accident.
We ordinary types abuse it with alcohol or drugs, tobacco or cheap food. We avoid exercise, or we stress ourselves.
To express our inner self, we add tattoos. When the situation calls for emergency action, we turn to liposuction, skin tucks and such.
Whatever it takes to communicate via our looks, count us in. Credit, or blame, the guy who made the first mirror.
When God created Adam and breathed a soul into him,
He knew that one day He himself, as Christ,
would occupy a similar body
- with no beauty or majesty to attract us. (Isaiah 53:2)
Our merciful Lord is now resurrected and glorified, and will live with redeemed souls in material bodies of perfect integrity, through eternity.