Saturday, November 3, 2018

What Is It?    
Democratic Socialism  
   Four more days! Maybe we can peel away from politics for a while. 
You think?

   Today, we're curious about the Democratic Socialists of America. Are they following the Venezuela model? Do they hold the keys to a fairer USA?  

   Given that the DSA exploded from about 6,000 dues-paying members to almost 50,000 after the 2016 election, we ought to check them out. Small as the organization is, they have pulled some politicians to the left, and made inroads with younger voters.

   Advocates say they are open to different political viewpoints. So far, none have argued to confiscate private property or jail those who dissent.

   We hear "Medicare for all" and "free college tuition." 

   Know what would be cool? ...economics professors appearing on the same stage as social theorists. 

   We who enjoy Medicare aren't telling younger, uninsured people to go fly a kite. But, compassion doesn't mean we shouldn't ask where the government would find $32 trillion - with a T - to fund Medicare-for-all, over 10 years. 

   Is the free-market system unfair, as socialists claim, or is it the most fair and beneficial of two imperfect choices? Gallup says 57 percent of Democrats have a positive view of socialism. And 85 percent support Medicare-for-all, as do 52 percent of Republicans. 

   Some DSA leaders would abolish capitalism, and even abolish the U.S. Senate. One steering committee member goes beyond politics to culture and family. He would "democratize" the family by ending "patriarchal relations." And he would "democratize" schools by changing the "hierarchical relationship" between teachers and students. Holy cow!  

Monday: Can wealth and general dependency co-exist? 

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