Saturday, November 10, 2018

Nice Work     
If You Can Get It    

   Swamps don't like being drained. "Retired generals, admirals and government procurement officers are still accepting lucrative positions with companies that do business with the military." - Washington Post   

   The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) says, "Major U.S. defense contractors have hired hundreds of former high-level government officials, including at least 50 since Donald Trump became president." Maybe it makes sense, and cents, for people with knowledge to work both ends of the contracts. 

   Or, maybe not.

   POGO found 645 cases over the past decade in which a retired, senior official, member of Congress or senior staff member became a registered lobbyist, board member or executive at a major contractor. Some retirees worked for multiple companies.

   These cases included 25 generals, nine admirals, 43 lieutenant generals and 23 vice admirals. 

   This is not unlawful. The concern is that government officials might seek favor with contractors in hopes of securing future employment. And, there is opportunity for lobbyists to lobby former subordinates still in government.

   Measured by contract receipts, the top defense contractors are Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics. 

   Are there outsiders who could lobby just as well? We don't know. It might require some knowledge of complicated systems. 

Tomorrow: Who to fear, not to fear. 

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