Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Deception by Design    

   Just who are the real fascists and racists?

If you are a Democrat, we value you and your opinions.
We think this is interesting, not that we can vouch for it.

   Here is a short look at a documentary by Dinesh D'Souza, Death of a Nation.  

   In 1915 there was a silent, racist drama, The Birth of a Nation, that D'Souza claims revitalized the Ku Klux Klan. President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, watched it in the White House. (What did he think?)

   D'Souza says the political left's labels for Donald Trump - "fascist" & "racist" - are better applied to the left itself. Using historical records, interviews with academics, and other material, he says that racism existed at the Democratic Party's founding (true), and remains entrenched in progressive politics today (we would like more details; the existence of a black caucus doesn't automatically mean the party wants to improve the inner cities). 

   Nazi's, D'Souza says, modeled their exclusionary Nuremberg Laws on southern Democrats' segregation policies.

   In fascism, the state controls industry and commerce, and is the arbiter of individual rights. (Cuba, etc.) The Democratic Party and its influential allies, including the late Margaret Sanger and George Soros, have voiced similar principles. (Sanger didn't promote abortion in the name of women's rights. There are other Dems who want capitalism eliminated.) 

   We guess that many politicians and their voters don't know what the movers and shakers, and academics, have in mind for the party, and therefore, for the country. 

   What is the antidote to the tyranny of the left? Donald Trump? No. D'Souza's documentary ends with The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

"Christ ... died to make men holy,
Let us live to make men free."




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