Friday, November 16, 2018

Follow the Money    

   What do Apple, IBM, General Electric, Google and PepsiCo have in common? They are among companies with enormous amounts of money stashed abroad.

   The tax code allows this. Fortune 500 companies alone accounted for $2.6 trillion held offshore in 2016. 

   Apple led the way at $246 billion. Next in order were Pfizer, Microsoft, GE and IBM, all among 30 companies which accounted for two-thirds of the total. 

   Other familiar names include, Johnson & Johnson, Exxon Mobil, Procter & Gamble, Chevron, Intel, Coca-Cola, Goldman Sachs, Wal-Mart, Hewlett Packard and Bristol-Myers Squibb. 

   Apple, Pfizer and Microsoft were in triple digits, the rest ranging from $82 to $23 billion.

Ozone Recovery

   The Northern Hemisphere, upper ozone layer will be repaired by 2030. The Antarctic ozone hole should disappear by 2060.

   I can't wait!   



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