Thursday, November 29, 2018

Man Goes Shopping   

   Let me tell you a story about a normal man in his humble home on a routine day.

   It occurred to him, their anniversary was around the corner - figuratively speaking, of course. Being a normal husband - not too dimwitted, nor too wonderful - he backed out of the driveway and headed toward the mean streets of life. 

   Along the way, this normally self-centered man groused about his aging, aching back. About the sad state of politics. About tax cheaters. Spouse cheaters. Drunken drivers. Domestic violence. Kids with guns. About leaky plumbing and attic mice. About his own faults.

   That was only the first mile.

   At a normal store, Mr. frowny-face selected an appropriate card. Then he beheld a noble bunch. For the love of money, he checked the price. Not too little; not too much. 

   On the appropriate morning, his Mrs saw the card and the lovely dozen on her breakfast table. The fallen world was outside and out of mind. 

   This is truth for the heart, beauty by design - for the spirit.  

   The One and Only had provided the ingredients. He assigned normal men to plant, grow, cut, buy and present his gift to others. By this and other means He reminds us that despite all the tension and conflict, He is still on the throne. 

   Our normal man received above-normal approval. The dozen continued to praise God a week later, for Thanksgiving guests to enjoy as well. 

The End


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