Thursday, November 15, 2018

Don't Mind Me     

   I'm a white male. I don't count anymore. Boohoo. 

But, if you're interested, here's what I've learned 
from Dr. Ravi Zacharias and others:

   Loving and patient though He is, God judged the pre-flood world, ancient Israelites and tolerated other nations in the years A.D. Seeking a better way, our country's founders chose a new path.

   That doesn't make us superior. We're just fortunate to have a citizen-friendly Constitution, and a faith that doesn't behead blasphemers. 

   Yes, we have a sad history of mistreatment. 

   The young American church was God-fearing. We understood God the Father, and God the "Son," who appeared in human form, paying the ultimate price for our sins. We believed the accounts of people who said He visited them, alive again! 

   Eventually, someone rediscovered the third Person of God, the Holy Spirit, sent by the Son to usher us though life with grace, truth and power. Who knew? 

   Here's the order: The Spirit guides our spirit, which oversees our mind, which in turn tames the flesh. 

   More is expected of Christians, because we've been shown more. When the age of the Gentiles, the "grafted branches," comes to an end, God will turn his attention back to Israelites, the "natural branches."

   When King Henry VIII died, Jesus lives. When Napoleon died, Jesus lives. When the Kaiser, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler and your favorite leader died, Jesus lives. 

   We still need grace, and a Savior.

   Some of us care more about our temporary American home than our eternal home. But unless we Christians seek the Lord's presence, other forces are ready to dictate the terms.   

   Cathedrals, holy places, religious ceremonies and attractive personalities don't save anyone, or a country. I believe God used America to take down two evil empires in World War II. That was then.    


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