Friday, November 9, 2018

Time to Save Our Country     

Following are portions of a column published on election day
by "Sully" Sullenberger, captain of US Airways flight 1549.
(Underlines by the blogger. Some rewording for brevity.)

   "It was not a miracle. It was an example of what is possible when we serve a cause greater than ourselves. I witnessed the best in people who rose to the occasion. Passengers and crew... New York Waterway... This successful landing was the result of good judgment, experience, skill - and the efforts of many. 

   "A leader sets the tone and must create an environment in which all can do their best. Today...too many people in power are projecting the worst. Many are cowardly, complicit enablers, acting against the interests of the United States, our allies and democracy, encouraging extremists at home and emboldening our adversaries abroad. 

   "Many do not respect the offices they hold; they lack - or disregard - a basic knowledge of history, science and leadership; and they act impulsively.

   "We are in a struggle for who and what we are as a people. We have lost what in the military we call unit cohesion. The fabric of our nation is under attack, while shame - a timeless beacon of right and wrong - seems dead.

   "Our ideals, shared facts and common humanity are what bind us together as a nation and a people. We must rededicate ourselves to the ideals, values and norms ... upon which our democracy depends. We must be engaged and informed voters, and we must get our information from credible, reputable sources.

   "I have always voted as an American. We must save ourselves, voting for leaders who are committed to the values that will unite and protect us." 

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