Thursday, November 8, 2018

What Do We Think?    

   Glad you asked. My opinion of the election results ... doesn't matter.

   But, in case you missed it, the president held a 90-minute press conference Wednesday, describing the midterms "a tremendous success." Indeed, he fared much better than most presidents do in the first midterm after their inauguration. 

   Trump probably put more time and effort into campaigning for senators than any prior president. Gains will assure continued success nominating judges. 

   There were too many House candidates to help that way, but he had an answer for that too. Republican representatives who support him won; those who keep their distance, lost. 

   We all understand.    😃
   The president said he may have more success "dealing" with House Democrats on mutual goals than if the GOP had kept a slim majority. Republicans don't stick together. He already took the first step, congratulating and complimenting Rep. Nancy Pelosi. If she/they want to attack him and the GOP for two years, he called that "a warlike posture."    

   When he opened the floor for questions, a CNN reporter was quite rude, refusing to sit despite several rebuffs. A few others asked "gotcha" questions, but Trump doesn't lose those games. 

   He suggested trade, infrastructure, economic growth and environmental policy as areas where he and Democrats might cooperate. 

   As for his "rough" demeanor, Trump told the press, "If you treat me fairly, I will be nice and boring. If I make a mistake, cover it, but be fair about it." 

   Finally, as for civility and bipartisanship, he told the media, "It has to start with you." 

Tomorrow, we'll summarize a column
by retired pilot "Sully" Sullenberger, 
who has wise words for us. 

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