Monday, November 12, 2018

An Aura of Glory   

   Saturday we watched some college football on TV. 

   A few times after a player did something extra well, a special-effects person put a lighted circle around the player's feet. As they reran the play, the circle accompanied the athlete so viewers could better appreciate his performance.

   It was like a halo, only on grass, not over his head. One dictionary definition of halo is, "an aura of glory."

   Sunday as we drove to church, it suddenly occurred to me to imagine a halo beneath/around our vehicle. 

   The Bible says the earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. 

   So it was good to think of ourselves - being children of God - briefly occupying a tiny part of the Lord's earth along our 15-mile drive...on man's roads. 

   We don't know who occupied those spaces before or after us, but so what?

   If you belong to the Lord, you too can imagine a halo wherever you are. His Spirit is with you at all times. 

   Imaginary halos are not angelic, for sure, and not glorious, just a "special effect" to remind us whose ground on which we occupy until He calls us home. 


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