Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What About Opioids?    

   Many Americans have opioids in their medicine cabinet. These are prescribed for conditions like back pain, neck pain and headaches. 

   While helpful, opioids can lead to serious dependence, addiction and overdose. More than 115 Americans die from overdose every day. 

   Common brand names are Vicodin, Norco, OxyContin, Percocet and fentanyl. Since the 1990s, the sale of prescription opioids has risen dramatically. 

   UnitedHealthcare's magazine says patients should understand why the script is needed, interactions with other drugs, how long to use, possible side effects and risks of dependency. 

   There are alternatives: over-the-counter pain meds, topical pain relief creams, counseling, physical therapy, exercise and other lifestyle changes. 

   About 70 percent of misused opioid scripts are received, stolen or purchased from a friend or relative. As with any dangerous item, medicines should be secured, and never shared. lists collection sites for unneeded drugs.

   UnitedHealthcare says opioid addiction is a medical condition, not a bad habit or personal weakness. Recovery from addiction is difficult, but possible. 

   Help is available at 1-800-662-HELP, or findtreatment.samhsa,gov for information on treatment programs. 



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