Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Today's blog was supposed to review the history of witch hunts, 
but our source material mysteriously disappeared. Not kidding. 
Call the Truckers  
   April 24 at 3 a.m., state police were called to an overpass near Detroit to negotiate with a man threatening to jump. While they talked with him, police shut down the interstate and called on more than a dozen truckers to park their rigs tightly under the overpass.

   Their trailers would have prevented the man from falling far. He finally climbed down from the edge.

As We Forgive Others  
   "Those of us who have been sinned against (and that's all of us) have a choice. We can do the hard work of overcoming... Or we can be perpetual victims, unappeasable."  - Andree Seu Peterson

Turkey 'Progressing' Backward  
   President Erdogan's government has stifled dissent. They have jailed more than 50,000 citizens and silenced the press, except for state-run newspapers and TV. 

Audacity to Believe   
   "We need to be a people with the audacity to believe in prayer. We need to be a people, when we see overwhelming challenges, who know we serve a mighty God and can go to Him in confidence and in prayer, knowing that the battle is not ours: It's His."  - Kay Coles James, president of the Heritage Foundation.

A Word to Husbands   
   "God calls husbands to sacrifice themselves if necessary to protect their wives. Those who (abuse) their wives deserve no protection."  - Marvin Olasky

How I Love You; Let Me Count the $$$ 
   In 2017, the average cost of a wedding in the U.S. was $25,764. 
Need a job? Try the wedding business - food, clothing, rentals, photography.


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