Thursday, May 17, 2018

Root for Your Team   
To Beat the Spread     

    In our youth, and beyond, it was awesome to walk into view of a great stadium, hand over our ticket stub and make our way into the expansive arena. Better than Christmas morning.  

   Today, we can't imagine stopping at a betting kiosk to spend some bucks on the Bucks, or Bucs, or (name a team), to win or lose by a certain margin. Even without participating, we can't imagine keeping one eye on the spread while the other eye is on touchdowns, fumbles, home runs or strikeouts.

   But, it's coming, maybe in your state and maybe mine.

   By 6-3 the U.S. Supreme Court - correctly - threw the flag on a 1992 federal law prohibiting sports gambling. It is a victory for states' rights. 

   That doesn't mean sports gambling, beyond New Jersey and Las Vegas, is just what the doctor ordered. Gambling - including lotteries - spawns social headaches, sometimes even for winners, and it does not guarantee a better economy. 

   State government promises of boost for education etc. can be fraudulent, as with Florida's voter-approved lottery in 1986. 

   The only guaranteed winner is the gambling industry. When addicts and their families are in trouble, the public pays, not the industry.

   Public opinion has evolved, and sports betting is big in Vegas. Some states are ready to go for it, and even professional leagues are hinting at joining the fun, as if they don't have enough $$$ through ticket sales, TV rights and merchandise. 

   Greed, not need.

   If your team wins by 6 when it was favored by 7, are you going to be upset, when it isn't an upset?


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