Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Can We Long Endure?   

   In 1863, President Lincoln said the Civil War is "testing, whether that nation ...conceived in liberty and so dedicated, can long endure." 

   The nation endured, more for the better than for worse.

   Today, a different test.

   Unelected people in fortresses such as the IRS and the DOJ connive to outsmart the voters. Benedict Arnold, for money, tried to deliver fortifications at West Point to the British, only after he judged the Revolution to be a lost cause. 

   Today's treachery involves people already enriched by the system, who still try to outsmart the voters. They skirt the laws of their country, and if there are no consequences, we'll see more of the same going forward.  

   Example: Jim Long, ex-FBI with 20 years of service, wrote a column about James Comey and his new book, A Higher Loyalty. Long listed eight common FBI rules and how Comey, the director himself, broke every one. Comey's book and media tour itself is prohibited while an investigation is pending, even though he is no longer in government. 

Showing Their Fidelity

   Yesterday, we passed a vehicle with a blue flag
and a lightning bolt - for the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team, known as the "Bolts."

   Tonight, the Bolts play the Washington Capitals,
the winner going to the Stanley Cup (world series of
hockey.) Players and fans of one of those teams 
will be miserable. Can't win 'em all.

   We also have a message on our vehicle. 
It is on the license plate frame, Jesus is Lord

   Win or lose, he is our forever Lord. Hockey fans? Wait 'till next year.

   Here's a message:
 From the throne came flashes of lightning (Rev. 4:5). 

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