Friday, May 4, 2018

So, Now He's a Good Guy?    

   We have read that North Korea has perhaps 
three rulers, and that Kim Jong Un is just the face 
of leadership. Maybe he's not even the top dog, 
as was his father and grandfather. 

   That wrinkle alone provides mystery enough for this year's emergence of Mr. Nice Guy, formerly "Little Rocket Man."

   Here are four possibilities. Pick your favorite. 

1. President Trump got North Korea's attention with tough talk, and a couple missile shows in Syria. That and sanctions.

2. Xi Jinping enjoyed having North Korea as a buffer between the free South and his subjects. But now, sanctions are bugging him too, and he can keep his little partner only if the North plays nice, and the sanctions stop.

3. Kim cozies up to the South, which wants peace and an official end to the Korean War, in order to drive a wedge between South Korea and the U.S. This is way out, but could the two Koreas agree to peace and denuclearization, cutting the U.S. out of negotiations and verification arrangements? 

4. Kim isn't shutting down his nuclear test site voluntarily, without getting anything in return. He accidentally blew it up with a 100 kiloton bomb last September. There were four earthquakes, and a risk of radiation, even in nearby China, according to Chinese geologists. 

   And the fifth of four possibilities: Kim wants to go to Disney World, and then Mar-a-Logo, but there are conditions...


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