Thursday, May 24, 2018

Taking on Two Belligerents    

   How would you like Mike Pompeo's job? 

   At West Point, he learned engineering and combat, but it's diplomacy based on strength that will be tested in Iran and North Korea. As if Korea isn't enough on his plate, not to mention Russia, China and Syria, Pompeo just summarized a plan to accomplish what the Obama-Kerry team said they wanted - to bring Iran into the community of nations. 

   As you know, President Trump pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, which Congress never ratified. The U.S. wants Iran to stop uranium enrichment, pull troops from foreign nations, and free any U.S. citizens held there. 

   Otherwise, Iran will face, "the strongest sanctions in history." The secretary of state will ask the Senate to ratify any pact, making it truly a U.S. Government agreement. 

   We say, look for sanctions on both countries, and who knows from there.

China Takes Another Step  

   China's dictator-for-life demands that all commercial airlines flying in and out of his country consider Taiwan to be part of China, in thought, word and deed. Lufthansa, Air Canada and British Airways have caved. No. U.S. airline has complied, but are "reviewing" the matter. Defiance will cost them.

Dems Trying to Lose Next Election  

   The president's opponents quickly jumped on his use of "animals" to describe MS-13 gang members, accusing him of being anti-immigrant. Will most voters buy that?
   About a third of the gang members crossed our border as "unaccompanied minors," or so we read. They are said to live in at least 40 states, engaged in drug and human trafficking, and murdering young people so viciously that some are left unrecognizable. 

   A law enforcement officer who deals with MS-13 on Long Island suggests that families of victims decide what label best fits. 



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