Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Government Is Good     

...says the letter writer.

   "Sixty-one million Social Security checks reach their beneficiaries every month. Only one passenger has died in a scheduled airliner accident over the past nine years.

   "Our schools graduate almost 3 million young people every year who are  ready to become productive, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens. Our traffic signals work, our professionals are appropriately tested and licensed, our fires are fought, our weather is predicted, and our parks are beautiful.

   "Our government has survived and won wars, put men on the moon and brought them back safely, and steadily fixed many flaws, including slavery and segregation. 

   "Meanwhile, corporations and businesses beyond counting disappear every year through bankruptcy."

To which we say:

It's good to acknowledge what goes right.
The man overlooks what isn't going right.
Plus, the U.S. Government accomplishes its 
part using the power of law and courts,
and running up $20 trillion in debt.

Corporations and small businesses
are governed by laws and regulations,
are subject to stiff competition and changing markets, 
and have no option for creating long-term debt. 



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