We are incurably mystified by the incredulity of learned people. The more the sun shines, the more they insist it is dark.
Their hero, Charles Darwin, was more open to the truth. He wrote,
"If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed
which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive,
slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."

Scientists and researchers, now more advanced, have
demonstrated - optical system, hearing, heart, lungs,
liver, digestive system, complex cells - that none of this could have formed and reproduced one mutation at a time. The pupil would not have existed for years before the retina showed up.
Lungs could not have reproduced while waiting for the heart. Every organ needed blood, immediately, to live.
Darwinists don't even talk about the brain.
Even if the first lucky collection of mutations occurred, how would he or she reproduce? Male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27).
Creationists call this "irreducible complexity." Forget the fudgey age of the earth. It is all or nothing. Once or never. Prehistoric or Adam.
Darwinists give those in other professions an excuse for acting - and sometimes instructing others to act - as if there is no God. That's how they prosper in the ways of the world.
Some with seminary degrees invented Theistic Evolution to have their cake and eat it too. Those people obviously have not received the Spirit of truth, sent by Jesus to light our way.
God reveals to children what he hides from the learned. His invisible attributes are clear enough (Romans 1:19-20).
It matters. Homicides, suicides, and other illegal or immoral behaviors reveal the extent to which we people of faith have opportunity to share the good news.
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