Monday, May 14, 2018

Sorry, Big Ben  
They Know You Not    
      In the U.K., some schools are removing analog clocks because teenagers have a hard time reading clock faces. To reduce anxiety, kids raised with digital clocks no longer will be tested on big hands and little hands.

   So long, Big Ben and charming coo coo clocks. See you in museums with sun dials. 

   Bye bye, Cinderella. No more fairy tales about clocks striking midnight. No more mice running up a clock, where the clock strikes one. 

   End of the line, grandfather clocks.

   Someday they'll remove ticktock from the dictionary. It won't have any meaning.

Five Ways to Live Longer 
   Yesterday we were giving scientific conclusions a bad rap. Today, we have study results you can live by. 

   If you are not yet 50...

1.  Eat a healthy diet
2.  Don't smoke 
3.  Be physically active, regularly
4.  Consume alcohol (if at all) moderately
5.  Maintain a normal weight

   For each of the above behaviors you follow, the longer your life expectancy. A man who adopts all five might live 12 years longer than the man with none, and a woman, 14 years longer. 

   These conclusions are based on a 34-year health and lifestyle information study.

   Of those studied, less than 2 percent had all five factors going for them. A full third of them followed two or fewer. 

   While they didn't address people already over 50, we assume most older people also can improve health and longevity with these behaviors.


Note: It's also advisable to avoid volcanoes. Since the year 1500, worldwide 278,000 have died from volcanoes and tsunamis created by a volcano. No charge for this additional tip.  

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