Sunday, May 6, 2018

Religious Freedom in Decline 

   Our founders began the Bill of Rights: 

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
 of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

   Sounds clear enough. But Christianity is under attack by leftists intent on centralized control, and that would include power (restraining, directing, regulating) over individuals, churches and any ministries not politically correct. The ACLU defends the liberties of political favorites only. 

   Courts already have forced Christian bakeries to accommodate gay weddings, or pay huge fines and risk going out of business. So much for freedom of conscience. It's not like people can't order their cakes somewhere else.  

   Come to think of it, does the Constitution permit the government to outlaw bigamy? Christians agree with New Testament standard - one man, one woman - and we desire that practice throughout our culture, for good reason. But can the government require all religions to comply? Just curious.  

   When progressives/leftists gain enough political power, look out. Bully governments will have it their way.

   The U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom released its annual report. Ten countries remain Tier 1 - Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Six additional countries have been added: Central African Republic, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Syria and Vietnam. 

   These governments "engage in or tolerate systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom." 

   The commission also recommended the State Department designate 12 countries as Tier 2, along with three non-state actors - Taliban, ISIS and Shabaab. 

   Jews are well acquainted with persecution. Christians are too, in many countries. Who will be next on Tier 1? 


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