Sunday, June 16, 2024

What Do We Think We Think? 

     In The Power of Now, the author wrote, most people are under control of "compulsive, involuntary thought processes." We "comment, speculate, judge, compare, complain, like, dislike, and imagine negative outcomes." He calls it worry. 

     Worse, he guesses, "about 80 to 90 percent of most thinking is repetitive, useless, dysfunctional, often negative, and also harmful." 

Have we succeeded in making you dislike yourself? 😎

     The author says our minds are concerned with keeping the past alive. The other day we saw two women on TV making similar comments. We can hold on to memories for decades. Consciously or not, we assume "that one day we're going to be happy, at peace." 

     Author Anne Lamott likens this to a radio station playing in our head 24 hours a day. In one ear comes "a stream of self-aggrandizement. In the other, self-loathing, the list of all things one doesn't do well." 

     People like Freud, Jing and Peterson had their say about internal voices in the psyche.

     What does God's Word say? Is there an answer in the spiritual domain? See our next Views, to be loaded Monday night around 8 p.m., Eastern time.  


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