Friday, June 28, 2024

 His Nation Asks More 

 Part 2 ... in Capt. Sam Brown's words

     "My second guardian angel was ... a kind dietitian in the burn unit. She saw the joy and resolve I poured into my recovery, and she saw past the scars and struggles I faced. Within a year, we were married. We now have three beautiful children.

     "I dedicated my life to helping war-wounded soldiers. Through volunteering and through a medical supply business I built and sold, I've helped get them the healing they need - both spiritual and physical. 

     "Just as 9/11 called me to enlist...the grave threats facing America call me into service yet again! Washington politicians - like my opponent - recklessly legislate away our freedoms and neglect our safety from their heavily secured DC offices. 

     "They undermine our financial security with endless spending and runaway inflation... they ignore the out-of-control illegal immigration crisis... they refuse to address crime on our streets." 

     "I put my life in Jesus' hands. My mantra has been, 'The life I live is not my own.' Washington needs servant leadership." 

Views: Sam Brown's new purpose is to defeat his freshman opponent for U.S. Senate, in Nevada. It's a race that could put the Senate into Republican hands. 

 (which are not as good as Jesus' hands)

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