Thursday, June 6, 2024

Students for Justice 

     Who doesn't want justice? But what if "justice" for one means death for another?

     Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) have chapters on more than 200 American campuses. The chairman of American Muslims for Palestine co-founded SJP over two decades ago.

Source: WORLD magazine

     On its website, SJP says freedom for Palestine is also a struggle for black liberation, gender rights and sexual freedom. Enemies include state violence, colonialism, capitalism and imperialism. SJP refers to Israel as "the Zionist entity," and often quotes "From the River to the Sea." 

     We all know what that means. 

     Muslims and Marxists have joined hands to bring down the U.S. republic. Once accomplished, they will return to being enemies of each other. 

     Hours after the brutal October 7 attack on Israeli citizens, while we focused on the news, SJP already was describing the assault as "a historic win for Palestinian resistance." Like, they knew it was coming?

     Never mind that when Israel gave Gaza over to the Palestinians, no Palestinian took leadership. The people instead voted in Hamas to lead them. Meanwhile, in the U.S., SJP and a progressive advocacy group believes in "educating, agitating and organizing for a more just and peaceful world."

     They blame the crisis on "Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people." Israel gave Gaza to Palestinians and provided water and other help to Gaza all along, while Hamas was digging tunnels into Israel. Students, wake up!  

     They say it will be a "peaceful world" when Israel and the U.S. are no more. God allows Satan to take advantage of the time he has left. But God is working, and people are being revived and saved. 


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