Sunday, June 23, 2024

Nimrod's Legacy Today  

     Nimrod, great grandson of Noah, wasn't one of the 21 worst leaders in history. (See our Friday/Saturday blog) But he deserves an honorable mention. Bible scholars consider Nimrod the first "antichrist." 

     America haters inviting unvetted people from 177 countries to crash our border might consider the following...some of them on the list two or three times:

Animism (some voodoo) - Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo, Uganda. 

Cults - Congo, Malawi, New Zealand, Togo

Spirit worship, witchcraft - Ghana, Madagascar, Mozambique, Myanmar, Zaire, Laos, Liberia, Sierra Leone

Tribal - Guinea 

Spiritist - Jamaica

Mystical - Kenya 

Ancestor worship - Madagascar, Mozambique, Zaire, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Papua New Guinea

Astrology - Madagascar

Magic - Malaysia, Zaire, Zambia 

Head hunting - Malaysia

River spirits - Sierra Leone

     Most developed through the offspring of Ham, through Nimrod. Some of these practices have infiltrated the United States. There are billions more people in organized religions such as Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Shintoism and others. 

     Why is the world at war with normal citizens, Jews and Christians? 


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