Sunday, June 2, 2024

Abortion Warfare  

Part 1 of 2

     After Roe vs. Wade was nixed, returning the issue to the states, one might think the issue has receded. Nope. 

     It remains a factor in November's vote, and the Biden Administration is fighting pro-life activists with long prison sentences. Access to clinic entrances has been the law since President Clinton, but opponents have seldom been imprisoned. 

     With some voters, abortion may be issue no. 1, while most of us consider the economy, border security etc. the major concerns. In the wake of the Dobbs decision, the Biden administration is going all out to showcase its support for "reproductive rights" in an election year.  

     Heather Idoni has been in custody since August. Hers and other cases bring the possibility of more than a decade in prison. Idoni has been jailed at least 15 times, not for protesting across the street, but with other pro-lifers, blocking the entrances to abortion facilities. 

     We can question people breaking the law, any law. These pro-lifers are dedicated to saving lives, and they know the risk of prison and fines. 

     The other side fights for "reproductive health services," a crazy definition of murder if there ever was one. Our "Justice Department" is actively working for the murderers, legal as they are, while punishing those fighting for life.   

To be continued

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