Saturday, June 1, 2024

America's Root Problem    

     Picking up where we left off, we quote columnist Lynn Vincent. 

     "I have friends who have spent significant time with (Donald Trump). To a person, they tell me that...he's actually very personable: attentive, encouraging, interested in others, the opposite of self-involved. It may be that Trump is...obnoxious like a fox. 

     "As for Joe Biden, even children know (he) is not in possession of all his faculties. ...people propping him up...seem almost guilty of elder abuse. 

     "Here's my bottom line: Not Biden, a sock-puppet* for cynical socialists. And not Trump. I loved many of his policies. I voted for him twice and will again, if I must choose between Trump and the Party of Death. 

     "Still, I would rather see our nation get back to focusing on neighborhoods, not the Beltway. On faith and family and Little League, instead of noxious, nonstop political theater. Both Trump and Biden guarantee four more years of Beltway hysteria - and this in a nation whose key institutions are already politicized and disintegrating fast. 

     "Despite the opinions of sincerely divided Christians, neither Trump nor Biden can save America. America's root problem isn't political, but a systematic abandonment of God."

* Sock-puppet: a hand puppet made from a sock. 

A false identity created in order to promote their own opinions or views.

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