Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Life's Battle Continues  

  Part 1

     Before the national basketball season ended, baseball season had 45 percent in the books, not counting playoffs. Before all baseball is finished, almost half the NFL season will be history. 

     Someone is fiercely competing most days of the year. All sports teams abide by the same rules in their respective leagues. 

     If only our year-around political parties did likewise. Differences have existed probably since the signers of the Declaration of Independence mounted their horses to ride home from Philadelphia. Years later, maybe you heard about it...I think they called it the "Civil War." 

     As people discovered oil, invented telephones, cars, trains, airplanes weapons and so much more, the U.S. became special. Human nature being what it is, more people became special, and wealthy. Was success a positive, or a motivation to do wrong? Probably both.  

     We can't blame oil, gun powder and satellites for our dismay. Indian tribes were sometimes quarrelling before the Mayflower arrived. Before that, "The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time" (1 Samuel 3:1). Wars with other nations were normal. David even had to side with the Philistines for a while. All was not well between Israel and Judah until Solomon's reign.    

     So. The "United" States needs to change its name. But what new name will please 51 percent of voters?

Tomorrow Part 2: Bureaucratic despots will remain in power.


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