Friday, June 14, 2024

Column by Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo 

     "The unexpected death of Iranian President Raisi should remind the world that no oppressive regime can last forever, as they are intrinsically unstable. Just as the Soviet Union collapsed under the weight of its own sins, so too will this be the fate of the tyrannical regime in Tehran. 

     "The United States must be prepared when that day inevitably arrives - and that requires supporting the courageous Iranian citizens who continue to resist the regime from within.

     "Raisi's appointment as president in 2021 was widely viewed as a sign of the regime's growing frustration at its inability to quell growing dissent within its own borders. 

     "Despite Raisi's bloody crackdown, the resistance only grew stronger. In recent years the resistance mounted the most sustained anti-establishment demonstrations since 1979, Thousands of teachers, workers, retirees, and students courageously took to the streets across the country. 

     "America and her allies should have learned by now, the regime is incapable of moderating on its own. Every olive branch extended by Western nations over four decades has been snapped in two. Tehran cannot be nudged in the right direction by the naive left running the Biden administration, just as they were undeterred by the same cast of characters in the Obama administration. Only a campaign of maximum pressure can change the future of Iran.

     "President Biden should make it clear that Iran will pay a steep price if it continues to escalate the war in Israel through its terrorist proxies. The president should fully support Israel's effort to eradicate Hamas and secure the border from Hezbollah in the north. 

     "We know beyond a shadow of doubt that Iran can be a great nation once again." 

Views  appreciates this message from two trustworthy men. However, there is another concern. Iran/Persia is or will be under the thumbs of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38 and 39) in the last days. Gog and Magog appear elsewhere in the Bible. Here, this may refer to high ranking demons, with hatred toward Israel. God will "bring" the enemy from "the far north," then destroy it.   


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