Sunday, June 9, 2024

Ancient Israel/Today's America 

        Part 3

     What's old B.C. got to do with our A.D.? 

     The Lord described Saul before he was appointed king. Saul was a regular man, even humble, who became a dictator and tried to kill David.

     What do we see in the Lord's descriptions? Never mind the chariots and horses, grain and vintages, menservants and maidservants, cattle and donkeys. 

     Today we have airplanes and aircraft carriers, computers and drones, satellites and atom bombs, printing presses and television, elevators and moving walkways. Same inclinations as those in B.C.  

      Do you see communism, Marxism or any other dictatorship in the Lord's description of Saul, the coming king? 

     This is America, you say. We have a constitution, freedoms of all kinds. We have elections. 

     On paper. Today's Democratic Party has zero interest in our constitution. They "defend" it daily, by voice. Not by allegiance. 

     The Republican Party isn't as driven. Even if a pro-American is elected this fall, dictatorial people will still occupy seats in Congress, the Dept. of Justice, Education, Defense and other agencies. 

     Not until permissive God comes to reign and Satan is in shackles will life be good, as God defines good. We look forward to the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21, 22).  


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