Saturday, December 2, 2023

The Painting 

     Thirty-some years ago, not yet remarried, home from work, sick...I took my friend's album cover and painted (copied) the 11x14" picture. No big deal, except that she was fond of the picture - not my artistry of course.  

     Two thousand years ago, chief priests were "delighted," though they didn't know Satan had provided the solution to their problem. 

     The Passover lamb knew. He told his disciples that he "eagerly desired" to break bread with them representing his broken body, and wine representing his blood. 

     He told them greatness is not in ruling, but in serving. "I am among you as one who serves." 

     That night on the Mount of Olives he prayed to the Father, "...yet not my will but yours be done" (Luke 22:42). An angel from heaven came to strengthen him, now "in anguish." "His sweat was like drops of blood." 

     Saturday morning, my friend, now my wife, and I were reading Luke chapter 22. Suddenly, I interrupted to retrieve the painting, which we had rescued from a box in the garage a few weeks ago. 

     Jesus in the darkness, praying "even more earnestly."

     On the back I had written: "...yet not my will, but yours be done. Luke 22:42." 

     He was in anguish over your soul and ours. Do we eagerly desire to follow him? 



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